CH6803-6804 Chinese Herbal Medicine Clinic 1-2

Students enrolled in the MSAOM or CCHM programs must take clinic shifts in Chinese herbal medicine, under the supervision of licensed acupuncturists. These clinic shifts are advanced in-depth assessments of patients. At a minimum, students must be enrolled in the Chinese Herbal Therapeutics course series in order to be eligible for CHM clinic intern status. The focus of this clinic is bulk herb or granule/powdered formulas, either traditional or tailored for the patients. Students apply Eastern and Western diagnostic procedures in evaluating patients and clinically treat patients through herbal prescription and counseling. Case management includes formation of a working diagnosis, treatment planning, continuity of care, referral and collaboration with other health care providers, follow-up care, final review, and functional outcome measurements. Students may take the CH6831 and CH6832 CHM Dispensary shifts at any time in the MSAOM or CCHM program.



