Academic Suspension

Notice of Suspension

The dean or dean’s designee sends notice of academic suspension to the student’s University email address and via U.S. mail to the student’s local mailing address. Notices will be sent no later than close of business on the Friday of the second week of the quarter. The date of the postmark on the envelope and the date stamp of the email serve as the date of notice.

Reason for Academic Suspension

Academic suspension is used when the dean or dean’s designee, based on input from the school/department Student Progress Committee, believes the student will benefit from a period of time away from his/her program track and that the student has sufficient opportunity to be successful upon his/her return from suspension. The terms of suspension are unique to each student and will be established by the dean or dean’s designee. A suspension will last at least one quarter, and a student may be required to receive remedial academic assistance before being readmitted.

Removal from a course or clinic shift may be warranted in the case of a student’s failure to adhere to instructions, procedures and/or professional expectations that may lead to the compromised safety of a patient, student or staff or faculty member. Removal from a course or clinic shift constitutes a failure of that class or shift and is not eligible for remediation. In addition, failure to adhere to such course or clinic shift expectations may result in immediate suspension or recommendation to the provost for dismissal.

Suspended students must petition the dean for reinstatement. They may be required to meet with the dean or dean’s designee and must show that all terms of the suspension have been met before receiving approval to return to the University. If a student is unable to demonstrate that she/he has adequately resolved the issue(s) that led to the suspension, the student may be recommended to the provost for dismissal.

Appeal of a suspension may be made to the provost only in the event of factual error. The written appeal must be made to the provost within five working days of the date of the suspension notice. The appeal must specify and include the alleged documented inaccuracy and the relevance of the fact(s). The provost will respond to the appeal within 10 working days. The decision of the provost is final and cannot be appealed.