Education Studies, Concentration in Skilled and Technical Sciences

Master of Education

Program Requirements

Candidates are expected to complete all requirements associated with the Master of Education in Education Studies, Skilled and Technical Sciences. Candidates must register for and complete MED 6102 E-folio as the initial course in the program. This course is a pre-requisite for all other education courses. 

Parallel Curriculum

The purpose, curriculum and program design of the Master of Education in Education Studies, Skilled and Technical Sciences are the same as for the Master of Education in Career and Technical Education with the exception that Praxis Core is not required for admission.

Program Competencies

Program competencies for this degree are identical to those currently in effect for the Master of Education in Career and Technical Education. Program competencies and attributes are derived from the College of Education Conceptual Framework and the InTASC standards (Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium), and are described in detail at the following links:

Conceptual Framework

InTASC Standards

Option A Certification Program - Required Courses

MED 6102E-Folio


MAS 7601Education of Diverse Populations and Exceptional Children


MCT 6400/EDC 400Educational Psychology


MCT 6401/EDC 401Career and Technical Education Instructional Technology


MCT 6406/EDC 406Career and Technical Education Assessment and Course Construction


MCT 6407/EDC 407Career and Technical Student Organizations


MCT 6410/EDC 410Multicultural Education


MCT 6411/EDC 411Methods of Teaching Career and Technical Education I


MCT 6412/EDC 412Career and Technical Education Classroom Management


MCT 6413/EDC 413Methods of Teaching Career and Technical Education II


MCT 6420/EDC 420Capstone Project for Career and Technical Education


Plus 1 elective from Option B (3 credits)

The courses in Option A may be required for Delaware C and T (Skilled and Technical Sciences) certification. Each candidate should verify through the Department of Education which courses are required for certification.

MCT 6420 - Delaware Skilled and Technical Sciences instructors are not required to student teach to be eligible for licensure.  Therefore, the Clinical Component consists of a Capstone Project.

Option B Instructional Program - Required Courses

MED 6102E-Folio


MAS 7603Instructional Strategies in Secondary Education


MAS 7701Classroom Culture and Student Behavior


MAS 7651Adolescent Growth and Development


MAS 7652Reading in Content Areas


MCT 6402/EDC 402Career and Technical Education Advanced Curriculum Design


MCT 6403/EDC 403History and Regulations of Career and Technical Education


MCT 6404/EDC 404Career and Technical Education Guidance Practices


MCT 6405/EDC 405Career and Technical Education: Community and Business Relations


MCT 6420/EDC 420Capstone Project for Career and Technical Education


Plus 2 electives from Option A courses (6 credits)

MCT 6420 - Delaware Skilled and Technical Sciences instructors are not required to student teach to be eligible for licensure.  Therefore the Clinical Component consists of a Directed Study Action/Research Project.