Course Catalog

Withdrawal from the University

If a student withdraws from all of their courses, fails to return from leave of absence after the date approved by the registrar, or fails to register for any courses by the end of the fourth week of classes, they are considered to have withdrawn from the University. No student will be permitted to register after the fourth week of the semester. All University expenses incurred by the student before their withdrawal must be paid in full prior to the release of their official records.

If an undergraduate student withdraws from the University after the eighth week of a semester, the Administrative Board will review the student’s record. If the Board determines that the student was progressing unsatisfactorily in their course work at the time of their withdrawal, the Board may impose an appropriate academic sanction (e.g., letter of warning, probation, removal from degree candidacy, or exclusion from the University). An undergraduate wishing to leave the University should notify the Office of the Registrar in writing in advance of their departure. They should also have an exit interview with Office of Student Affairs, and if they are a financial aid recipient, meet with a financial aid counselor. Students are urged to consult their parents or guardians and review the University's refund policy before deciding to withdraw from the University.