Course Catalog

Leaves of Absence

Voluntary Leave of Absence

Students wishing to leave the University for a temporary period, with the intention of returning to complete their degree, may apply to take a leave of absence (LOA). Student considering a leave of absence should consult their advisor, program director, or the Dean of Student Affairs and Student Financial Services. International students should consult the Center for Global Education for the implications of withdrawal on their visa status.

If the student chooses to take a voluntary leave of absence in order to receive intensive clinical health care treatment, the staff in the Office of Student Affairs will assist with processing this request. In some instances the student maybe asked to complete the Process for Returning from an Involuntary Leave of Absence as a requirement of returning to the University. (See below.)

In order to take an official leave of absence, students must complete a Leave of Absence form, available online or in the Office of the Registrar. A student requesting a LOA must state the reason for the leave, and the semester in which they intend to return. Students who take a leave of absence during the semester are assigned grades based on the Course Withdrawal policy.

Leaves will not be ordinarily granted for periods longer than one academic year. The request for the extension of a leave (for a maximum of one year) is approved only in unusual circumstances. Extension requests must be made before the expiration of the original leave of absence. Leaves of absence for graduate students may not exceed a cumulative total of two years. Students who do not return at the end of an authorized Leave of Absence will be withdrawn from their academic program and must submit a subsequent readmission to the program.

Students on a leave of absence are considered active students and are able to register for classes in an upcoming term while on leave. Students are expected to register for classes upon returning from a leave of absence.

Involuntary Leave of Absence

Simmons University is committed to the safety and well-being of its community members and to the integrity of the living and learning environment. Our goals, therefore, are to maintain the health and safety of each individual in our community and to enable all enrolled students to participate fully in the life of the University. In instances in which a student's mental, emotional, or medical health pose a threat to themselves and/or others, becomes a barrier to appropriate or prescribed levels of self care, or causes significant disruption to the activities of the University community, such students may be required to take an involuntary leave of absence from the University.

In instances when a student's mental, physical or emotional health may pose a direct, imminent, threat to the safety and well-being of the Simmons community, or the student has been admitted to a health care setting to undergo intensive medical or psychological treatment (hospitalization, intensive outpatient or inpatient program), the Dean of Students or designee, as an interim measure, can place the student on an involuntary leave of absence from the University. When applicable the student will be informed in writing of the actions that lead to her/him being placed on leave and direct the student to the process for return. The student's parent/guardian/emergency contact person may be notified that the student is in a potentially dangerous situation.

Any student placed on an involuntary leave of absence will not be allowed to remain on campus. This includes living in residence, attending classes, and participating in Simmons sponsored events.

In circumstances when the student has not met direct threat/inpatient criteria, the Dean for Student Affairs or designee may, based off of observable/recorded behavior, still require a student to undergo an individualized psychological and/or medical assessment in order to make an informed decision regarding the student's ability to meet the academic, social and emotional requirements of being a Simmons student. This evaluation can be conducted by a member of the University's clinical staff, or by a student's external health care provider who is treating the student. The student will be required to sign a release that gives permission to the University's designated clinical personnel to speak with her/his external evaluating health care provider and to allow for the release of any relevant medical reports as part of the assessment. If the student chooses not to engage in the process listed above, then she/he will be required to take an involuntary leave of absence and if applicable, immediate removal from the residence halls.

If following the evaluation, a leave is deemed unnecessary, the Dean for Student Affairs or designee may impose other conditions and/or requirements which the student would be required to comply with as a condition of continued enrollment at the University.

In any instance in which a leave is required, the Dean for Student Affairs or designee will provide written notice to the student, including the specific requirements that must be met as a condition of eligibility for re-enrollment, the timeline for initiating and completing the return process, as well as the procedure for appealing the decision. In most instances, the parent(s) or guardian(s) of the student will be included in this notice. Students are strongly encouraged to discuss the need for a voluntary or involuntary leave with their parent(s) or guardian(s) prior to and during the leave process.

The duration of the leave is typically no fewer than six full months, although the specific length of the leave will be based on the student's individualized assessment and determined by the Dean or designee on a case-by-case basis. When a student takes leave before the end of a semester, whether voluntary or involuntary, Simmons' usual tuition and residence hall refund schedule apply.

Process for Returning to Simmons after an Involuntary Leave

Simmons University students who have been placed on an Involuntary Leave of Absence will be required to undergo an individualized assessment to be cleared to return to Simmons, prior to their return to the University. They are also required to sign an authorization form that enables the hospital, treatment facility, and/or all pertinent external health care providers to release information necessary for the review process. The review process will involve an interview with the appropriately licensed Simmons clinical staff member as well as the Dean of Student Affairs or designee. Following the interview with an individual of the clinical staff, a recommendation that is based off the student’s report, his/ her treatment history, information gathered from the external treatment facility, and/or a student’s personal health care provider, will be shared with the Dean for Student Affairs or designee regarding the student's readiness to return. Then, on a case by case basis, the Dean of Student Affairs or designee will make a determination if the students are permitted to return to the Simmons community. If it is determined that the student can return, the student will meet with the Associate Dean for Student Affairs or designee to establish a plan to return to the University and identify community resources. As a condition of continued enrollment and, if applicable, as a condition of re-admittance to the residence halls, the following criteria must be met:

  1. The consulting health care provider must find that the student has maintained a significant level of physical, mental, or emotional stability along with the skill set necessary to successfully engage in the student’s academic program as well as the activities associated in being a Simmons student.

  2. The student and the consulting Simmons clinical staff member in conjunction with all relevant external health care providers must establish and agree upon a plan for continued managed care after returning to the University.

  3. The student must commit to following the recommended and established treatment plan.

If, after reviewing all pertinent information, the Dean of Student Affairs or designee denies a student’s request to return from an involuntary leave of absence, or the student disagrees with the conditions established as part of the return process, the student can appeal the decision in writing to the Vice President of Student Affairs.