Course Catalog

MGMT 393 Financial Modeling

Prepares students for a career that uses strategic financial analysis and spreadsheet modeling. This course will develop Excel modeling skills, including building reliable models, using models to forecast change, and interpreting expected business outcomes. All learning will be applied to a company identified by the student, and will be compiled into a company portfolio. You will have tangible skills that include forecasting financial statements based on goals and strategies, analysis of a company's Statement of Cash Flows, financial model of a new business opportunity, estimation of debt capacity, and company valuation. Students are encouraged to choose a company strategically so that the portfolio will contribute to their internship or job search. Requires a team presentation during the Undergraduate Research Symposium.




Required MGMT-310, MGMT-311, MGMT-314, MGMT-315, MGMT-325, MGMT-340, MGMT-370, ECON-100, and ECON-101 Senior standing required