Course Catalog

ART 348 Women & Art

Surveys paintings, sculpture, and architecture by women artists from medieval times to the present; analyzes the representations of women in the visual arts; and introduces theoretical issues related to feminist theory and the place of women in an expanding canon. Examines the contributions of artists such as Georgia OKeeffe, Eva Hesse, Lee Krasner, and Cindy Sherman.




Required ART-141, ART-142, ART-211, ART-215, ART-216, ART-220, ART-221, ART-222, ART/COMM-230, ART-231, ART/COMM-232, ART COMM-237, ART/COMM-239, ART/COMM-261, ART/COMM-256, ART COMM-275, ART-331, ART-210, ART/EDUC-205, ART-241, ART-243, ART-244, ART-245, ART-246, ART-247, ART-248, ART-249, ART-250, ART-251, ART-252, ART-255, ART-343, ART-347, ART-349, ART-350, or ART-370

Course Type