Course Catalog

The BSBA/MBA Combined Degree Program

The Management Program offers an accelerated BSBA/MBA degree program for qualified students. This accelerated program allows students to save 4 courses worth of tuition and accelerate the completion of the MBA program. Additionally, with the introduction of MBA@Simmons, the online MBA program, students can now complete the MBA program from anywhere in the country.

Accepted students take the first two courses in the MBA curriculum as part of their undergraduate studies. These two courses are taken in the online classroom and fulfill two undergraduate general elective requirements as well as two MBA course requirements (6 credits).

Once matriculated into the MBA program, two additional courses (6 credits) from the MBA curriculum may be waived. As a result, students will only need to complete an additional 36 credits, or 12 courses, to earn their MBA. Note: The complete MBA curriculum is 48 credits, or 16 courses.

Applicants are required to submit 2 letters of recommendation—one from an advisor or a faculty member who is familiar with their work and one from a professional reference. Applications are due by June 30 after the completion of the junior year or after a student has completed 96 credits.

Students who are interested in the accelerated degree program must have a minimum GPA of 3.2. While there is no minimum work experience requirement, any professional work experience will be considered as part of a student’s application.

Once accepted into the program, students register for two MBA@Simmons courses to be taken during the senior year of the undergraduate program. MBA@Simmons courses are 11 weeks in length and are offered in the Fall (October start), Spring (January start) and Summer (July start).

Program Requirements:

Graduate Courses taken as part of undergraduate studies:

MBAO 455Leading Individuals and Groups


MBAO 420Financial Reporting & Analysis


(Accounting majors take MBAO 411 Economic Analysis for Managers instead)

Students must achieve the minimum graduate grade (currently a B) in each of these courses and complete their BSBA, in order to continue with the combined degree program. Once students begin the MBA program, they will continue taking classes online in the MBA@Simmons program.

Two courses are waived in the program:

Business and Management Majors:

MBAO 430Technology & Operations Management


MBAO Elective


Marketing and Retail Management Majors:

MBAO 430Technology & Operations Management


MBAO 425Marketing Management


Finance Majors:

MBAO 430Technology & Operations Management


MBAO 411Economic Analysis for Managers


Accounting Majors:

MBAO 420Financial Reporting & Analysis


MBAO 421Managerial Accounting


Students interested in the program should make their intentions known to their advisor early in their Simmons undergraduate career so they can plan their academic schedule to take maximum advantage of the program.