Basic Law Enforcement Training (BLET)

The North Carolina Basic Law Enforcement Training (“BLET”) is a State accredited program designed to prepare entry level individuals with the cognitive and physical skills to become certified police officers and deputy sheriffs.

The requirements for admission to Basic Law Enforcement Training are:

1. Must be a citizen of the United States;
2. Must be twenty years of age;
3. Must provide to the School Director a medical examination report, properly completed by a physician licensed to practice medicine in North Carolina, a physician’s assistant, or a nurse practitioner,     to determine the individual’s fitness to perform the essential job functions of a criminal justice officer;
4. Must have a high school diploma or GED®. High school diplomas earned through correspondence enrollment are not recognized toward the educational requirements.
5. Must take a standardized reading comprehension test and score at the tenth grade level or higher within one year prior to entrance into Basic Law Enforcement Training.
6. Must provide the School Director a certified criminal record check for local and state records for the time period since the trainee has become an adult and from all locations where the trainee has     resided since becoming an adult. An Administrative Office of the Courts criminal record check or a comparable out-of-state criminal record check will satisfy this requirement (the applicant must not     have been convicted of any felony or certain other crimes);
7. Must provide the School Director a Letter of Sponsorship from a law enforcement agency (form is provided in the BLET Application Packet).

Priority admission is given to individuals holding full-time employment with criminal justice agencies. Please see the BLET school director prior to enrollment in BLET.

Due to Federal Regulations, if you are in a certificate or diploma program then clock hour to credit hour conversions are required which could reduce the Pell amount awarded

The Basic Law Enforcement Training (BLET) certificate program is a one time, one semester Pell award.