Counseling and Disability Services

The mission of the Counseling and Disability Services office is to enhance the personal and professional development of students and provide an environment that is supportive and inclusive. From pre-admission to post-graduation, the Counseling and Disability office provides student-centered counseling and programming in the areas of career planning, transfer assistance, supportive counseling, disability services, academic support and job search assistance. In doing so, the Counseling and Disability Services office provides a gateway to opportunity for our local community and empowers students to achieve their goals of graduation, transfer, and employment.

Career Counseling

Students can receive help in assessing their career interests, abilities, values, skills, personality type, and other factors important in making career choices. Popular career assessments include the Myers-Briggs Personality Inventory and the Strong Interest Inventory.  Students can research a wide variety of occupations and fields of interest using resources such as web databases, occupational information software, and books that can be checked-out. Through career counseling, students are able to make decisions about their career and educational goals and develop action plans for achieving those goals.

Job Search Assistance

Students preparing to look for work can receive help with resume writing, interviewing skills, and job search strategies. Resume software is available that offers a variety of examples and templates. Practice interviews can be provided for students who want to refine their interview skills. Students can also learn networking skills to strategically uncover the hidden job market. Job openings are communicated via announcements on LEO and on the Job Openings bulletin board located near the Student Commons.

Transfer Assistance

Counselors help students understand the transfer process and the steps required to transition successfully. Students receive guidance in understanding articulation agreements and course equivalencies, deciding which transfer courses selection at MCC, and deciding which transfer college is best for them.  Students can research any college in the nation and gain assistance in applying to colleges.

Personal Counseling

Supportive counseling is available for students experiencing personal problems that impact their ability to succeed in college. Referrals to outside agencies can be made for more significant mental health concerns. Personal and academic coaching is available for students who need help in areas such as time management, motivation, study skills, self- management, stress reduction, and test anxiety.

Disability Services

Students with documented disabilities may receive reasonable accommodations in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Examples of accommodations include testing accommodations, recorded textbooks, and assistive technology to access learning resources.  Students should first contact the Office of Counseling and Disability Services and provide documentation of the disability to help determine appropriate accommodations. Accommodations that are more extensive, such as an interpreter, require six (6) weeks notification.