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Economics (B.A.)

Economics is a social science that seeks to understand human behavior by analyzing how changes in incentives affect the choices individuals and groups of individuals make. The basic challenge of economic decision making involves satisfying unlimited human wants with limited resources. Exploring this central economic concept becomes even more complex when a specific society’s values, objectives, and institutions are considered. Marymount’s B.A. in economics uses this economic framework to understand a broad range of diverse issues, including business operations, environmental policy issues, poverty, law, financial institutions, and international trade, among others.

Marymount’s location in the metropolitan Washington, DC, area provides the perfect setting for real-time analysis and experience via site visits, internship opportunities, and guest speakers from think tanks and government agencies. Small class sizes allow extensive individual interaction with professors.

A degree in economics prepares students for careers in government, consulting, and business. Indeed, average starting salaries for undergraduate economics majors are routinely among the highest among all undergraduate programs. Studying economics also provides an excellent foundation for graduate studies in law, public policy, international studies, or business.

Advisors will encourage students majoring in economics to choose their elective courses with specific postgraduate goals in mind. The economics degree provides ample elective credits for students to explore additional academic interests in fields like business, politics, mathematics, history, English, sociology, philosophy, and psychology.

Upon successful completion of the economics program, students will be able to

  • Analyze, interpret, and present economic data that provides insight into a wide range of human concerns.
  • Communicate economic information effectively in quantitative and qualitative terms in writing and orally.
  • Apply economic reasoning to analyze a wide range of human behavior.

Internship Prerequisites: A minimum of 90 credits in the program with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 and a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 in all 300- and 400-level economics courses are required to register for the internship (ECO 490). Students should also have completed a minimum of nine credits in 300- and 400-level economics courses. Students should consult their academic advisor and the School of Business and Technology internship coordinator for more information.

Residency Requirement: Students must complete a minimum of 18 credits from the 300- and 400-level major degree requirements at Marymount.

Degree Requirements — Economics (B.A.)

Liberal Arts Core and University Requirements

See University Requirements and the Liberal Arts Core for details.

Major Requirements

To fulfill the requirements of the major, all students in this program will take the following coursework in a sequence determined in collaboration with an advisor. Some courses also satisfy Liberal Arts Core and/or University Requirements.

ECO 210Principles of Microeconomics *


ECO 211Principles of Macroeconomics *


ECO 310Intermediate Microeconomics


ECO 311Intermediate Macroeconomics


ECO 485International Economics *


ECO 490Internship *



MA 132Statistical Analysis *



MA 218Probability and Statistics *


An additional 15 credits of 300/400 economics electives are required.

Sample Degree Plan — Economics (B.A.)

Please note that this is a sample plan; all students must consult with an advisor in making course selections.

Year One — Fall

EN 101Composition I *


Natural Science (NS) core course with lab *


TRS 100Theological Inquiry *


CNCT 100Connections *


One (1) elective (MGT 123 recommended)

EN 101: WR core course

TRS 100: TRS-1 core course

Year One — Spring

ECO 211Principles of Macroeconomics *


Introductory Social Science (SS-1) core course (politics, psychology, or sociology) *


EN 102Composition II *


HI Introductory History (HI-1) core course *


One (1) elective (MA 171 or MA 181 recommended)

ECO 211: SS-1 core course

EN 102: WR core course

Year Two — Fall

ECO 210Principles of Microeconomics *



MA 132Statistical Analysis *



MA 218Probability and Statistics *



EN Introductory Literature (LT-1) core course *


One (1) elective - 1st DSINQ course if not already completed *

One (1) elective


ECO 210: SS-1 core course

MA 132 or MA 218: MT core course

Year Two — Spring

ECO 311Intermediate Macroeconomics


PH 100Introduction to Philosophy *


Advanced Theology/Religious Studies (TRS-2) or Theological Ethics (TRS-E) core course *


Introductory Social Science (SS-1) in a third discipline or Second Natural Science (NS) core course *


One (1) elective - 1st WI course if not already completed *

PH 100: PH-1 core course

ECO 311: SS-2 core course

Year Three — Fall

ECO 310Intermediate Microeconomics


One (1) 300/400-level economics course

Fine Arts (FNA), Advanced Literature (LT-2), or Advanced History (HI-2) core course *


One (1) elective - 2nd DSINQ course required if not already completed *


One (1) elective


ECO 310: SS-2 core course

Year Three — Spring

ECO 485International Economics *


One (1) 300/400-level economics course

Advanced Philosophy (PH-2) or Philosophical Ethics (PH-E) core course - PH 301 or PH 305 recommended *

One (1) elective


One (1) elective - 2nd WI course if not already completed *


Year Four — Fall

Two (2) 300/400-level economics courses

Fine Arts (FNA), Advanced Literature (LT-2), or Advanced History (HI-2) core course *


One (1) elective - 3rd DSINQ course required if not already completed *


One (1) elective


Year Four — Spring

ECO 490Internship *


One (1) 300/400-level economics course

One (1) elective - 3rd WI course if not already completed *

Two (2) electives


ECO 490: EXP course

Note: Students must take at least three Writing Intensive (WI) courses.

* Fulfills Liberal Arts Core/University Requirements. See University Requirements and the Liberal Arts Core and the Course Descriptions for further information.