2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

Nancy Thompson Learning Commons

Contact Information

Phone: (908) 737-4629

Email: learningcommons@kean.edu

Website: Learningcommons.kean.edu

The Graduate Writing Program

Led by experienced faculty and discipline experts, the Graduate Writing Program offers comprehensive support tailored to the unique needs of graduate students. Through workshops, seminars, and personalized consultations, students receive guidance in refining their scholarly writing skills across disciplines. From crafting research proposals to polishing dissertations, our program equips students with the tools needed to produce high-quality academic work.

Faculty members, experts in their respective fields, provide invaluable feedback and mentorship, fostering a collaborative learning environment where students can flourish. This program goes beyond mere writing instruction; it cultivates a deeper understanding of academic discourse and prepares students to make meaningful contributions to their chosen fields.

Graduate Writing Program Goals:

  • Enhance Scholarly Communication: Develop students' ability to effectively communicate complex ideas and research findings in written form at the graduate level.
  • Refine Writing Skills: Assist students in honing their writing skills, including clarity, organization, and coherence, to produce high-quality academic work.
  • Support Research Process: Provide guidance and resources to students throughout the research process, from proposal development to thesis or dissertation writing.
  • Promote Critical Thinking: Encourage critical thinking skills through analysis, synthesis, and interpretation of scholarly literature and research.
  • Foster Academic Integrity: Emphasize the importance of academic integrity and proper citation practices to uphold ethical standards in scholarly writing.
  • Cultivate Disciplinary Expertise: Help students develop a deep understanding of disciplinary conventions and expectations for writing within their specific fields of study.
  • Encourage Collaboration: Foster a collaborative learning environment where students can engage with peers and faculty to exchange ideas, offer feedback, and support one another's writing endeavors.
  • Empower Self-Expression: Empower students to express their unique perspectives and contribute meaningfully to scholarly discourse within their respective fields.
  • Prepare for Professional Success: Equip students with the writing skills and confidence necessary for success in academic and professional settings, including publishing, conference presentations, and grant proposals.

The Graduate Public Speaking Program

The Graduate Public Speaking Program, led by communication and discipline-specific faculty experts, offers tailored support to graduate students seeking to excel in various professional and academic contexts. Designed to enhance language proficiency and delivery skills, our program focuses on preparing students for conference presentations, proposal and dissertation defenses, and industry-specific interviews.

Through workshops, personalized coaching sessions, and simulated scenarios, students receive guidance in articulating their ideas effectively, engaging diverse audiences, and confidently defending their work. Our experienced faculty provide invaluable feedback and mentorship, drawing on their expertise to help students refine their speaking abilities and navigate challenging communication situations.

Graduate Public Speaking Goals:

  • Enhance Communication Skills: Develop students' ability to articulate ideas clearly, persuasively, and confidently in both academic and professional settings.
  • Improve Language Proficiency: Assist students in refining language proficiency to effectively communicate complex concepts and research findings to diverse audiences.
  • Prepare for Conference Presentations: Equip students with the skills necessary to deliver engaging and impactful presentations at academic conferences, showcasing their research effectively.
  • Facilitate Proposal and Dissertation Defenses: Provide support and guidance to students preparing for proposal and dissertation defenses, helping them articulate their research objectives, methodology, and findings with clarity and precision.
  • Prepare for Industry Interviews: Prepare students for industry-specific interviews by honing their communication skills and teaching effective strategies for presenting their qualifications and experiences to potential employers.
  • Build Confidence: Foster confidence in students' public speaking abilities, empowering them to present themselves and their work with assurance and poise.
  • Offer Discipline-Specific Expertise: Provide discipline-specific guidance and feedback tailored to students' areas of study, ensuring their presentations are tailored to meet the expectations of their academic or professional communities.
  • Promote Professional Development: Support students in developing the communication skills necessary for professional success, including networking, presenting at professional conferences, and engaging with industry professionals.
  • Encourage Lifelong Learning: Instill a commitment to ongoing improvement and growth in public speaking skills, empowering students to continue developing their communication abilities throughout their academic and professional careers.