2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog

Kean University Foundation

The mission of the Kean University Foundation is to build and maintain a strong and mutually beneficial relationship between the University and its alumni. The Foundation provides many services and benefits for over 100,000 Kean University alumni, as well as offering advantageous programming and events to encourage alumni to stay involved with their alma mater.

The Kean University Foundation also supports the Kean University Alumni Association, into which every graduate of the university is automatically granted membership. For more information about alumni benefits, programs and events, or the Alumni Association, contact the Kean University Foundation by phone (908) 316-8931, email - kuf@keanfoundation.org or visit our website at https://www.keanfoundation.org/

The Kean University Foundation is the university’s primary fundraising and gift-receiving organization. It was founded in 1984 as a non-profit, tax exempt organization that advances the mission of Kean University by pursuing and securing private support to benefit Kean’s students, faculty, programs, and/or facilities.

Kean University enjoys a robust history of private support from its alumni and friends. Our fundraising results, combined with an understanding of the environment in which those results were achieved, provide the context and background from which the current operation, staffing model, strategic direction, and opportunities flow.

Given the rising cost of academic excellence and the decline in state support of college and university budgets, private support will be more critical than ever to the future of institutions of higher education. Kean is no exception, as the State of New Jersey is allocating only a small percent of its annual budget to higher education, which is attributable in part to a decrease in federal funding.

Gifts to KUF are an investment in our students, our faculty and our potential. By supporting KUF, alumni, friends, parents and partners can help us secure educational opportunities for future generations of students and meet the enormous challenges we face as a society. Together, we will sustain an enduring tradition of scholarship, service and pride while providing a world-class education.