DANC 160 Aerial Dance
This course is an introduction to the technical skills and fundamentals of Aerial Dance in silks and hammock. Students will gain strength, knowledge, and understanding of aerial movement (spatial and body awareness) within a focused and progressive learning environment. This course may be repeated once for credit.
DANC 160Aerial Dance
Please note: This is not a course syllabus. A course syllabus is unique to a particular section of a course by instructor. This curriculum guide provides general information about a course.
I. General Information
II. Course Specification
Course Type
Program Requirement
Credit Hours Narrative
1 Credit
Semester Contact Hours Lecture
Grading Method
Letter grade
Credit Hours Maximum, if repeatable
III. Catalog Course Description
This course is an introduction to the technical skills and fundamentals of Aerial Dance in silks and hammock. Students will gain strength, knowledge, and understanding of aerial movement (spatial and body awareness) within a focused and progressive learning environment. This course may be repeated once for credit.
IV. Student Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, a student will be able to:
- Develop and maintain focus and patience in the aerial environment, and an understanding of body awareness and limitations throughout the entire session.
- Demonstrate progress toward strength and mastery in technical movement skills in the silks/hammock at the appropriate strength level.
- Develop, understand, and improve spatial intelligence.
- Critically and creatively respond to and analyze movement through observation, discussion, and written work
- Establish a community of dance that encourages students to help one another and think critically and creatively about movement.
- Observe, analyze, and reflect on a live or filmed dance performance in the dance arts
V. Topical Outline (Course Content)
Instruction in technical movement skills and knowledge at the beginning to advanced-beginning level in aerial silks and hammock.
Vocabulary and critical thinking activities applicable to aerial dance, performance, and safety.
Journal writing engaging the student in internal dialogue to reflect and self-assess personal growth as an artist and mover.
Instruction designed to encourage community and creativity, develop the dancer’s strength, flexibility, body alignment and awareness (on the ground and in the air), vocabulary, musicality, style, and aesthetic presentation in aerial dance.
Observe, analyze, and reflect on a live or filmed dance performance in the aerial arts.
VI. Delivery Methodologies
Required Assignments
Attendance and participation in class. Students are expected to be in every class. Learning to dance requires that the body do it. Students will not gain body awareness, strength, flexibility, or the ability to learn new movement or generate their own movement by hearing about what happened in class from a classmate, or reading a book. There is no way to make up material or missed experiences. Students are granted one permissible absence and may make-up two absences per semester by participating in (if appropriate) or observing and writing a one-page reflection of another movement class (for each absence). The instructor must approve class make-ups.
Journal reflective writing. Improve oral, written, and critical thinking skills as they apply to movement through daily use of a dance journal.
Response paper. Attend, analyze, and reflect in writing on a pre-approved live dance concert or theatrical production (or watch an approved video of a live performance).
Pre- and Post- Assessments. Complete the pre- and post- assessment evaluations to determine growth/change/ways of knowing and understanding.
Required Exams
Formative (on-going) assessments:
Attendance and participation. Students will demonstrate progress toward mastery in technical movement skills relative to modern dance, understand and apply the elements of body, energy, space, and time to movement when creating and executing movement for artistic expression, and learn to memorize and reproduce movement sequences in modern dance at the beginning level.
Journal writing will be formatively assessed through weekly participation.
Summative assessments:
Students will be summatively assessed mid-term on their written work to date in their movement journals.
Students will be summatively assessed at end of term on their written analysis/reflection of a live dance performance.
Students will receive a summative assessment based on attendance and participation for the semester. To earn an A in this category students must consistently reach above and beyond average daily participation exhibiting energetic, attentive, inquisitive, and respectful attitudes.
Students will be summatively assessed at beginning and end of term on completion of the pre- and post- assessments to determine growth/change/ways of knowing and understanding.
Required Text
All reading materials provided by instructor.
Specific Course Activity Assignment or Assessment Requirements
Attendance and participation in class. Students are expected to be in every class. Learning to dance requires that the body do it. Students will not gain body awareness, strength, flexibility, or the ability to learn new movement or generate their own movement by hearing about what happened in class from a classmate, or reading a book. There is no way to make up material or missed experiences. Students are granted one permissible absence and may make-up two absences per semester by participating in (if appropriate) or observing and writing a one-page reflection of another movement class (for each absence). The instructor must approve class make-ups.
Journal reflective writing. Improve oral, written, and critical thinking skills as they apply to movement through daily use of a dance journal.
Response paper. Attend, analyze, and reflect in writing on a pre-approved live dance concert or theatrical production (or watch an approved video of a live performance).
Pre- and Post- Assessments. Complete the pre- and post- assessment evaluations to determine growth/change/ways of knowing and understanding.
Formative (on-going) assessments:
Attendance and participation. Students will demonstrate progress toward mastery in technical movement skills relative to modern dance, understand and apply the elements of body, energy, space, and time to movement when creating and executing movement for artistic expression, and learn to memorize and reproduce movement sequences in modern dance at the beginning level.
Journal writing will be formatively assessed through weekly participation.
Summative assessments:
Students will be summatively assessed mid-term on their written work to date in their movement journals.
Students will be summatively assessed at end of term on their written analysis/reflection of a live dance performance.
Students will receive a summative assessment based on attendance and participation for the semester. To earn an A in this category students must consistently reach above and beyond average daily participation exhibiting energetic, attentive, inquisitive, and respectful attitudes.
Students will be summatively assessed at beginning and end of term on completion of the pre- and post- assessments to determine growth/change/ways of knowing and understanding.