Administrative Assistant, Intermediate Technical Certificate

Demonstrate competencies in with office technology and software based on the Microsoft Office Specialist certification.

Demonstrate the ability to apply computational and accounting skills and use a variety of techniques to solve problems correctly.

Express their ideas in oral and written messages that are coherent, persuasive, and grammatically correct.

Recognize and develop basic standards of professional conduct and will learn they have responsibilities to themselves, their peers, and their customers.

Major Code: 4338T

**Alternative plans of study available by contacting your advisor



Fall Semester Freshman Year

ACCB 129Introduction to Bookkeeping*

3 Credits

ACCB 129LIntroduction to Bookkeeping Lab*

1 Credit

ADMN 100Mechanics of Business Writing

3 Credits

ADMN 110Business Financial Applications

3 Credits

BUSA 215Information Science and Data Management

3 Credits


SOCY 105Human Relations

3 Credits


SOCY 101Introduction to Sociology

3 Credits


Spring Semester Freshman Year

ACCB 130Principles of Bookkeeping I*

3 Credits

ADMN 116Spreadsheet Applications*

3 Credits

ADMN 142Business Document Processing

3 Credits

ENGL 101Writing and Rhetoric I

3 Credits

MATH GEAny Gen. Ed. Math Course

3 Credits


*Prerequisite or corequisite required.

Total Credit Hours Required for this Major: 31