Collision Repair Technology - Basic Technical Certificate

Demonstrate knowledge/skill in general welding safety, GMA (MIG) welding, oxyacetylene welding/cutting/heating, and plasma arc cutting (AUTB 130).

Demonstrate knowledge of basic shop routines, manuals, tools, vehicle construction, parts terminology, repair documentation and general shop safety (AUTB 150).

Demonstrate knowledge/skill in metal bumping, straightening, metal finishing, metal shrinking, using heat as a corrective force, application and shaping of body fillers and application of pre-coats, primers, etc. (AUTB 152).

Demonstrate knowledge/skill in identifying/repairing types of plastics and popular composite auto body components using plastic welding and/or adhesive repair materials (AUTB 155).

Major Code: 4520V

Fall Semester Freshman Year

AUTB 103Detailing and Polishing

2 Credits

AUTB 130Introduction to Welding for Collision Repair

1 Credit

AUTB 130LIntro. to Welding for Collision Repair Lab

2 Credits

AUTB 150Introduction to Collision Repair Safety

2 Credits

AUTB 152Minor Collision Repair

1 Credit

AUTB 152LMinor Collision Repair Lab

2 Credits

AUTB 155Plastic & Adhesives

2 Credits


Total Credit Hours Required for this Major: 12