THEA 130 Stagecraft
Theory and practice in construction, painting, and rigging of stage scenery and properties. Practical experience in backstage procedures. Required for all entering freshman Theatre majors.
THEA 130Stagecraft
Please note: This is not a course syllabus. A course syllabus is unique to a particular section of a course by instructor. This curriculum guide provides general information about a course.
I. General Information
Visual, Performing and Liberal Arts
II. Course Specification
Course Type
Program Requirement
Credit Hours Narrative
3 Credits
Semester Contact Hours Lecture
Semester Contact Hours Lab
Grading Method
Letter grade
III. Catalog Course Description
Theory and practice in construction, painting, and rigging of stage scenery and properties. Practical experience in backstage procedures. Required for all entering freshman Theatre majors.
IV. Student Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, a student will be able to:
- Demonstrate an understanding of technical theatre, terminology, methods, and practices by submitting a design project with related research which may include: articles, pamphlets, precis, etc. and by objective examination.
- Recognize the complexity of theatre art in order to evaluate and improve their own critical thinking skills as evidenced by submission of the design project which includes: Script Analysis, Design Metaphor, Sketches, Storyboard, Ground Plan, Detail Drawings, Front and Rear Elevations, Construction Drawings, Color Rendering, Rehearsal and Performance Procedure Schedule, and a Model all showing proper use of terminology and demonstrating ability to converse knowledgeably about the field.
- Critically evaluate the influence of the works of an individual or a system on the play selected for the design project and then work out a scheme of presenting that information in both written and oral presentation.
- Explore the cultural diversity of the world population as expressed in the arts and evaluate the differences and similarities of different ages, peoples, and movements as related to their design project.
- Discuss the importance of the arts as an influence in their own lives and as evidence of our culture in order to understand the importance of a lifelong pursuit of knowledge and understanding.
- Appreciate the importance of creativity in their own work and in the works of others.
V. Topical Outline (Course Content)
Course Overview General Shop Safety Hand Tools Safety Small Power Tools Safety Large Power Tools Safety Set Design Flat Construction Platform Construction Assembly and Rigging Properties Painting Techniques Foam and Plastics Rehearsal and Performance Schedules
VI. Delivery Methodologies
Required Assignments
Students will examine how the arts affect and are affected by changes in culture and learn to discern and evaluate those relationships. Attendance will be evaluated to insure that each student has equal opportunity to access the information presented in the class. To evaluate the success of the instruction and the performance of the student, objective quizzes and examinations will be given to assess retention of information presented. Assignments will be completed when scheduled. Students must complete, with a passing grade, all objective quizzes and examinations. Students will participate in class discussions, present materials orally, and successfully complete the course objectives. Students will present their designs orally as scheduled at the end of the semester. Students will also serve as part of a scenic construction crew for College Productions and will demonstrate the ability to work with scenic materials. Students are required to work six or more hours outside of the regularly scheduled class each week during the semester on the technical aspects of theatre department productions.
Required Exams
Students will keep a journal through the semester which should include notes, articles, materials provided in class, evaluations, research materials, and progress reports. Journals will be submitted at the end of the semester.
Students will complete a Production Crew Assignment by working at least sixteen hours on a Production Crew Assignment.
Specific Course Activity Assignment or Assessment Requirements
Students will examine how the arts affect and are affected by changes in culture and learn to discern and evaluate those relationships. Attendance will be evaluated to insure that each student has equal opportunity to access the information presented in the class. To evaluate the success of the instruction and the performance of the student, objective quizzes and examinations will be given to assess retention of information presented. Assignments will be completed when scheduled. Students must complete, with a passing grade, all objective quizzes and examinations. Students will participate in class discussions, present materials orally, and successfully complete the course objectives. Students will present their designs orally as scheduled at the end of the semester. Students will also serve as part of a scenic construction crew for College Productions and will demonstrate the ability to work with scenic materials. Students are required to work six or more hours outside of the regularly scheduled class each week during the semester on the technical aspects of theatre department productions.
Students will keep a journal through the semester which should include notes, articles, materials provided in class, evaluations, research materials, and progress reports. Journals will be submitted at the end of the semester.
Students will complete a Production Crew Assignment by working at least sixteen hours on a Production Crew Assignment.