Theatre Minor: From Page to Stage


How does a production get from page to stage? The student will examine many phases of the production process from the beginning process of choosing a play to the end—the strike of the production. Through the study of and participation in several aspects of theatre—performance, design, and production—students will be introduced to the various mechanisms involved in getting productions from page to stage.

Minor Requirements

15 credits

THE-110Play Reading & Discussion

1 credit

THE-115Theatre Appreciation

3 credits


3 credits

THE-140LStagecraft Lab

1 credit

THE-212Theatrical Design Foundations

3 credits

THE-215Acting Fundamentals

3 credits

THE-240Theatre Ensemble

1 credit

Participation in mainstage productions is highly recommended for the student to gain valuable experience and practical knowledge of theatre production.


Upon successful completion of this minor, students will be able to:

1)  Identify critical theories and research, and apply methodologies when examining context and the means of production for representative plays;

2)  Analyze and interpret plays and other theatrical events;

3)  Identify and discuss conceptual and technical skills used in creative practices in production; and

4)  Describe the contextual importance of the artist, culture, or time period and apply that understanding to analysis and interpretation of the play.