
The Office of the Registrar maintains student academic records, manages course and clinic scheduling, handles academic registration and evaluation, records grades, produces transcripts and grade reports, and provides academic advising and evaluation. The office also provides international and veteran student services.

Bastyr University operates on the quarter system. The University’s quarter is 11 weeks long. (Summer quarter classes are generally eight weeks; summer clinic is 11 weeks.) Eleven hours of class constitute 1 credit hour, and 22 hours of lab/practicum constitute 1 credit hour.

Registration for continuing students takes place quarterly. Continuing students register for courses and clinic rotations by submitting a registration form. The registration forms must be received before the Office of the Registrar will register a student for classes or clinic rotations. New students are automatically registered for their fall quarter courses, beginning in late spring and after they have paid their confirmation deposit. Nonmatriculated students may register for courses after matriculated students have been registered. Priority for courses is given to matriculated students. Students taking a course that is required for their major have preference over those taking the course as an elective. If a student has withdrawn from their program, they may take subsequent program courses only with permission from the dean of the school from which the student has withdrawn.

Students may elect to audit a course or change their status in a course from grade to audit beginning the first week of the quarter through the second week of the quarter. However, after the first week of the quarter, standard refund policies apply. After the second week, a student may not change from a graded option to an audit option or from an audit option to a graded option (except for weekend intensive classes or nontraditionally scheduled classes that have not yet begun. These may be changed to audit before the start of the class). Certain “hands-on” classes may not be audited, and audits are never allowed when a class is full and has a wait list. 

Course add/drop forms are available on MyBU Intranet. Classes may be added or dropped from a student’s schedule through the add/drop period (ending the close of the first week of each quarter). After the first week of the quarter, all withdrawals will be noted with a W grade on the transcript (except in the case of weekend intensive classes or nontraditionally scheduled classes that have not yet begun). Assigned clinic rotations may be traded during the clinic add/drop period. Elective clinic rotations may be added during that same period. Clinic rotation drops may incur financial penalties. (Please see the Office of the Registrar for additional information.) Any change to a clinic rotation after the clinic add/drop period has ended requires the approval of a clinical dean, and standard refund policies do not apply.

Withdrawal from classes is not permitted during the final three weeks of a quarter. (See the financial policies section for the refund policy and federal funds requirements for the refund schedule.) For courses with concentrated scheduling (not evenly spaced throughout a quarter), the timing of additions or drops varies. (In no case may students drop or withdraw from a course after the course instruction has ended.) Students must check with the registrar for specific deadlines.