BS in Education

Daytona State's Bachelor of Science in Education degree programs prepare students to design, develop and implement effective classroom management techniques and instructional strategies. While enrolled in our programs, you will spend many hours in Volusia and Flagler County public schools working with children in kindergarten through high school, practicing the instructional strategies learned in your college courses.  Degree programs include:

  • Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education (K-6)/ Reading Endorsement /ESOL Endorsement
  • Bachelor of Science in Exceptional Student Education (K-12) / Reading Endorsement /ESOL Endorsement
  • Bachelor of Science in Secondary Math Education (6-12)
  • Bachelor of Science in Secondary Biology Education (6-12)
  • Bachelor of Science in Secondary Earth/Space Science Education (6-12)
  • Bachelor of Science in Secondary Chemistry Education (6-12)
  • Bachelor of Science in Secondary Physics Education (6-12)

These programs fulfill the education courses, professional education competencies and practical experience required to obtain a five-year Florida Professional Educators Certificate. Students enrolled in these programs are required to complete field experience hours and a fulltime (unpaid) student senior internship in the public schools. Elementary Education and Exceptional Student Education programs also include a reading endorsement and an ESOL endorsement.

Mission Statement

The School of Education will provide ESOL and Reading infused instructional programs that will produce highly qualified, state certified teachers ready for entry in a K-12 environment. The fundamentals of the programs embrace diversity, promote ethics in education, focus on student excellence and enhance teaching and learning through innovative instructional practices.