Course Descriptions
Course information is arranged in alphabetical-numerical order. Each course listed contains a course designation, credit hours, description, lecture hours, lab hours, prerequisites, and corequisites. Not all of the courses in the following list are taught each term. Course schedules are published prior to each term showing the courses that will be offered.
Course Designations
Course designations consist of a four-letter prefix, a number, and the title of the course (e.g., ACCT 1100 - Financial Accounting I). The four-letter prefix indicates the subject.
Course Credit Hours
Following the course designation is the number of semester credit hours for the course. (Note: Institutional Credit is designated for Learning Support courses by the letters “I.C.” following the number of credit hours. Learning Support courses cannot be used for elective credit to meet graduation requirements.)
Course Description
The course description is included to indicate the general content that a course will cover.
Course Lecture Hours
Lecture hours equal the total time spent in lecture for the term (Fall, Spring, or Summer).
Course Lab Hours
Lab hours equal the total time spent in demonstration laboratory, practical performance laboratory, clinical, practicum, and/or occupation-based instruction for the term (Fall, Spring, or Summer).
Course Prerequisites
Prerequisites are requirements that must be met before enrolling in a course. Unless otherwise specified, program admission is a prerequisite to register for all credit courses.
Course Co-requisites
Co-requisites are requirements that must/may be satisfied at the same time for the indicated course and will be identified following the course prerequisites.