Spring Semester 2019 Catalog




Explains the philosophy and history of occupational therapy and its relationship to other health care providers. Includes an overview of the etiology, clinical course, prognosis, and prevention of specific disease processes and traumatic injuries frequently seen by occupational therapy practitioners. Examines the influence of sociocultural issues on individuals and families. Emphasis is on the effect of such conditions on occupational performance and ways to promote health. Topics include: the definition of occupational therapy, foundations, history, and philosophical base of the profession; role of OTA within the health care team; role of OTA within various practice settings; introduction to AOTA code of ethics and standards of practice; introduction to OT theories, models of practice, and frames of reference; introduction to the OT Practice Framework; role delineation of OTR and OTA; introduction to disease processes, diseases and traumatic injuries of body systems, occupational performance issues related to various socio-cultural environments, promotion of health, and prevention of injury and disease for quality of life and wellbeing.