GRN 7104 Advanced Health Assessment Across the Lifespan

This course focuses on developing advanced health assessment skills appropriate for delivery of primary care across the lifespan. The course will provide the student with necessary skills to advance beyond basic history and physical examination to using diagnostic reasoning skills and critical thinking. Assessment skills will be refined for the determination of the health status of all ages in the clinical laboratory setting. Students will broaden their ability to recognize abnormal findings within the context of the physical examination. Core concepts will be included regarding promotion of health and wellness in the primary care setting. Emphasis will also be placed on the physical, developmental, psychosocial, cultural dimensions of clients in primary care. Practice sessions with faculty and colleagues will create an opportunity for students to refine communication, gathering of historical information, advanced physical assessment skills, and developing a plan of care that is mutually agreeable to the client/family. At the conclusion of the course, students will be expected to perform a complete health assessment, give a comprehensive case presentation which includes appropriate diagnostic reasoning and critical thinking.





Admission to the NP Program or permission of NP Program Chair and GRN 7000, GRN 7101, GRN 7102 and GRN 7103.