CS3250 Introduction to Cyber Physical Systems

This course introduces the technology, architecture, and applications of Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) including ICS/SCADA, and the issues of security for these systems, to achieve Naval mission objectives.  The course covers building blocks (system topologies and architectures), enabling technologies (devices, networking, management), threats and vulnerabilities, reliability, safety, availability, resilience, performance, and real-time constraints. Relevant case studies and hands-on lab exercises are included.


Undergraduate level understanding of Networking (CS3502), Computer Security (CS3600), and Operating Systems (CS3070) is required for this course.

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours


Course Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course the student should be able to:

  • Explain differences between cyber physical systems (CPS) and information technology systems.
  • Explain the architecture of cyber physical systems.
  • Recommend suitable CPS architectures based on the nature of the industrial activity of interest.
  • Review the security architecture of a CPS system and recommend strategies for making the system secure.
  • Program CPS nodes using small processing devices, sensors and actuators.
  • Build CPS systems that communicate using MQTT and CAN bus.