Cybersecurity and Programming, Associate of Applied Science

Install, maintain, and troubleshoot network operating systems and networks.

Implement, modify, and debug software using industry best practices.

Determine risk and implement appropriate security strategies based on current security issues and migration techniques.

Develop interpersonal and workforce skills necessary for success in the workplace.

Develop the problem-solving and research skills necessary to succeed in an information technology career.

Major Code: 4340A

**Alternative plans of study available by contacting your advisor

Fall Semester Freshman Year

CISW 111HTML and CSS Coding

3 Credits

CISW 125Introduction to Programming

3 Credits

CISS 107Computer Essentials

4 Credits


3 Credits

CISS 213CISCO Networking 1*

1 Credit

Total Credit Hours:14

Spring Semester Freshman Year

CISW 126Intermediate Programming*

3 Credits

CISS 131Server Technologies I*

3 Credits


3 Credits

CISS 216CISCO Networking 2*

1 Credit

ENGL 101Writing and Rhetoric I

3 Credits

SOCS GEAny Gen. Ed. Social and Behavioral Way of Knowing Course

3 Credits

Total Credit Hours:16

Fall Semester Sophomore Year

CISW 128Web App Development*

3 Credits

CISW 217Database Systems

3 Credits

CISS 236Linux*

3 Credits

CISW 240IT Security

3 Credits

MATH GEAny Gen. Ed. Math Course

3 Credits

Total Credit Hours:15

Spring Semester Sophomore Year

ELEC GEGeneral Education Elective

3 Credits

CISW 250Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures*

3 Credits

COMM GEAny Gen. Ed Oral Comm. Course

3 Credits

CISW 298Comprehensive IT Project*

3 Credits


CISS 223Advanced Internship

3 Credits

CISW 245Digital Forensics & Incident Response*

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:15

*Prerequisite or Corequisite required

Total Credit Hours: 60