Water Resource Management, Intermediate Technical Certificate

Major Code: 4113T

**Alternative plans of study available by contacting your advisor

Fall Semester Freshman Year

COMM GEAny Gen. Ed Oral Comm. Course

3 Credits


ENGL 101Writing and Rhetoric I

3 Credits


MATH GEAny Gen. Ed. Math Course

3 Credits

WATR 130Water Measurement*

3 Credits

Program Electives

3 Credits

WATR 120Water Quality

2 Credits

WATR 120LWater Quality Lab*

1 Credit

Total Credit Hours:15

Spring Semester Freshman Year

AGRI 210Environmental Law

2 Credits

SOCS GEAny Gen. Ed. Social and Behavioral Way of Knowing Course

3 Credits

AGRI 100Agriculture and Natural Resources Seminar

1 Credit

Program Electives

9 Credits

Total Credit Hours:15

Program Elective: 12 hours

Any Agriculture Course

Any Aquaculture Course

Any Biology Course

Any Chemistry Course

Any Math Course

Any Water Resource Course

GEOL 101Physical Geology*

4 Credits

GEOL 101LPhysical Geology Lab*

0 Credit

GEOL 102Historical Geology*

4 Credits

GEOL 102LHistorical Geology Lab*

0 Credits

GEOL 104Natural Disasters and Env Geology*

4 Credits

GEOL 104LNatural Disasters and Env Geo Lab*

0 Credit

GEOL 110Intro to Geology of Southern Idaho*

3 Credits

GEOL 126Fundamentals of GIS*

3 Credits

GEOL 126LFundamentals of GIS Lab*

0 Credit

GEOL 155Introduction to GPS

2 Credits

GEOL 155Introduction to GPS

2 Credits

GEOL 155LIntroduction to Surveying Lab

1 credit

GEOL 200IGeology Independent Study*

3 Credits

GEOL 226Spatial Analysis With GIS*

3 Credits

GEOL 226LSpatial Analysis with GIS Lab*

0 Credit

GEOL 275Field Geology*

1-4 Credits

*Prerequisite or corequisite required

Total Credit Hours: 30