Geospatial Technology AAS

Operate industry standard GIS and remote sensing software packages, such as ESRI and ArcMap to an intermediate level of proficiency

Demonstrate accurate implementation of Geographical Positioning Systems (GPS) with GIS programs.

Display safe and effective use of small aerial vehicles (drones).

Demonstrate proper methods for field verification of digitized and classified data

Correlate and interpret spatial and remotely sensed data.

Manage the coordination of data with GPS guided implements and other relevant equipment.

Major Code: 4133A

Fall Semester Freshman Year

MATH GEAny Gen. Ed. Math Course

3 Credits

GEOL 126Fundamentals of GIS*

3 Credits

Program Elective

6 Credits

COMM GEAny Gen. Ed Oral Comm. Course

3 Credits


Spring Semester Freshman Year

ENGL 101Writing and Rhetoric I

3 Credits

GEOL 226Spatial Analysis With GIS*

3 Credits

ENGI 105CAD Engineering Graphics

2 Credits

Program Elective

6 Credits


Fall Semester Sophomore Year

GEOG 100Physical Geography

4 Credits

GEOL 155Introduction to GPS

2 Credits

GEOL 155LIntroduction to Surveying Lab

1 credit

Program Electives

8 Credits


Spring Semester Sophomore Year

AGRI 206UAS/Drone Operations

2 credits

AGRI 227Agriculture Internship*

3-6 Credits

GEOG 102Cultural Geography

3 Credits

Program Elective

7 Credits


Data Management and Analysis Pathway (minimum 26 credits)

A minimum of 26 credits of program electives are required for graduation. Program electives can be chosen from one or both of the pathways.

AGRI 190Intro to Precision Agriculture

3 Credits

BUSA 207Business Statistics for Decision Making I

3 Credits

BUSA 208Business Statistics for Decision Making II*

3 Credits

BUSA 215Information Science and Data Management

3 Credits

CISW 111Web Authoring

3 Credits

CISW 125Introduction to Programming

3 Credits

CISW 126Intermediate Programming*

3 Credits

CISW 128Web App Development*

3 Credits

CISW 217Database Systems

3 Credits

DRAT 133Orthographic Projection*

4 Credit

ENGI 105CAD Engineering Graphics

2 Credits


MANT 105CAD Engineering Graphics*

2 Credits


Field Spatial Data Acquisition Pathway (minimum 26 credits)

A minimum of 26 credits of program electives are required for graduation. Program electives can be chosen from one or both of the pathways.

AGRI 100Agriculture and Natural Resources Seminar

1 Credit

AGRI 108Crop Production

4 Credits

AGRI 201Wildland Plant Identification

2 Credits

AGRI 201LWildland Plant Identification Field Studies

1 credit

AGRI 203Principles of Range Management

3 Credits

AGRI 205General Soils*

3 Credits

AGRI 205LGeneral Soils Lab*

1 Credit

AGRI 255Entrepreneurship in Agriculture

3 Credits

AQUA 101Fisheries Management 1

2 Credits

GEOL 101Physical Geology*

4 Credits

GEOL 101LPhysical Geology Lab*

0 Credit

GEOL 102Historical Geology*

4 Credits

GEOL 102LHistorical Geology Lab*

0 Credits

GEOL 104Natural Disasters and Env Geology*

4 Credits

GEOL 104LNatural Disasters and Env Geo Lab*

0 Credit

GEOL 275Field Geology*

1-4 Credits

WATR 120Water Quality

2 Credits

WATR 120LWater Quality Lab*

1 Credit

WATR 130Water Measurement*

3 Credits

WATR 130LWater Measurement Lab*

0 Credits

WATR 140Irrigation*

2 Credits

WATR 140LIrrigation Lab*

1 Credit


Total Credit Hours Required for this Major: 60