History as a Second Teaching Field Minor



This minor is designed for students intending to pursue a teaching license. Students may qualify for licensure if they complete all of the following: a major in Interdisciplinary Studies in Elementary Precertification or an approved content area major, the History as a Second Teaching Field minor, and the fifth-year student teaching experience. Students interested in becoming licensed educators should contact the Education Department about all requirements related to certification, including admission to the Teacher Education program.

20 semester credit hours, to include a minimum of 6 semester credit hours of US history survey and a minimum of 6 semester credit hours of world history survey. Remaining coursework must be in history. May include 3 hours in American government.

American Government

POE-110United States Political Economy

3 credits

US History Survey (6 credits)

Students must select two courses from the list below.

HIS-200Introduction to the History of United States

3 credits

HIS-300The United States Since 1945

3 credits

HIS-301Vast Early America

3 credits

HIS-302History of U.S. Foreign Policy

3 credits

HIS-306The American South Since 1865

3 credits

HIS-307The American West

3 credits

HIS-371The United States of Conspiracies

3 credits

World History Survey (6 credits)

Complete two world history surveys, which may include HIS-110 or HIS-112.

HIS-110Civilization: Western to 1000

3 credits


HIS-112Civilization: World to 1800

3 credits

World history survey electives

Select courses from the following list to complete the world history survey requirement:

HIS-210History of Modern East Asia

3 credits

HIS-340Pre-Modern Chinese History

3 credits

HIS-345Modern China

3 credits

HIS-359Pre-Modern Japan

3 credits

HIS-384Modern Japan

3 credits

Latin America
HIS-230History of Modern Latin America

3 credits

HIS-380Colonial Latin America

3 credits

HIS-382Revolutionary Mexico

3 credits

HIS-385Conquest and Encounters

3 credits

HIS-386Religions in Latin American

3 credits


3 credits

HIS-240Jewish History

3 credits

HIS-331Ancient Greece

3 credits

HIS-332Ancient Rome

3 credits

History elective

Students must complete two  additional HIS courses (6 credits) not counted above.



Upon successful completion of this minor, students will be able to:


1) Make chronological and thematic connections between political, social, cultural, and economic concepts;
2) Understand how international and domestic relations impacted the development of the United States;
3) Understand how significant compromises, conflicts, and events defined and continue to define the United States;
4) Understand the political, social, cultural, and economic development of the United States and the peoples of the world; and
5) Demonstrate an ability to research, analyze, evaluate, and interpret historical evidence, including the appropriate use of primary and secondary sources in interpreting social studies concepts, historical perspectives, and biases.