Environmental Science and Policy, Bachelor of Science
(Students who plan to transfer a completed Associate's degree should review the Environmental Science and Policy Completion Degree information below.)
A Degree for the Future
The Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Science and Policy is classified as a STEM program. This interdisciplinary degree will draw upon undergraduate course offerings from the College of Arts and Sciences, as well as the Colleges of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Technology, and Business. The expertise to preserve and protect our very limited and fragile natural resources is expected to be a continuously valuable skillset, both nationally and in the state of Delaware. The ESP degree will provide students with the skills they need to tackle such challenges.
Program Philosophy and Objectives
Students in this program will be exposed to a variety of concepts and activities that address many science and policy related competencies including but not limited to oral communication and the delivery of professional presentations, scholarly writing, critical thinking strategies, and the use of scientific and digital tools to solve problems.
This ESP degree is practical and career-oriented, though adaptable enough to be used as a step towards graduate education. Environmental science is inherently an applied study, while the policy aspect extends the practical nature of this degree. Aligning with the University's mission of exemplary career-oriented degrees, graduates of this degree can market themselves to local, state, and federal agencies, private and non-profit organizations, as well as academia, for a range of environmental positions. Courses will be offered at a variety of locations and times, and students will have the option to complete the full degree face-to-face, online, or a combination of the two.
Program Competencies
In addition to the University’s undergraduate graduation competencies, students will demonstrate knowledge, skills, and abilities related to:
Hi-Tech Literacy
Use technology to effectively locate and communicate information.
Social Responsibility
Demonstrate an increase in personal commitment to, and understanding of, one's role in a global society.
Free Electives
Students must complete a minimum of 120 credits to earn a Bachelor's degree in ESP. Because of the mixture of 3 and 4 credit courses, students must be diligent and seek advice as they work through the program.
Cooperative Education Core (6 credits)
An option for a final semester dedicated to field experience should be considered by the student who is not already working in the ESP field. A 15 credit semester would cover the 6 credit requirement for Co-op and 9 credits of Free Electives.
SCI 441 | Co-op Education Experience for Science | 3 |
SCI 442 | Co-op Education Experience for Science | 3 |
Core Electives (Choose 9-10 credits from the following options)
General Education Requirements (36 Credits)
A minimum passing grade of "C" is required for ENG 121, ENG 122, ENG 131, and MAT 205.
Environmental Science Core (38 Credits)
SCI courses in the Environmental Science Core require a minimum passing grade of a "C."
CAS 495 | Senior Seminar | 3 |
| | |
GIS 300 | Geographic Information Systems Science & Technology | 3 |
| OR | |
CTA 226 | Integrating Excel into Business Problem Solving | 3 |
| | |
MAT 200 | Pre-Calculus | 3 |
MAT 308 | Inferential Statistics | 3 |
SCI 251 | Biology I (with Lab) | 4 |
SCI 252 | Biology II (with Lab) | 4 |
| | |
SCI 302 | Secret of Life: A Study of Human Biology | 3 |
| OR | |
SCI 337 | Genetics | 4 |
| | |
SCI 305 | Earth and Space Science (with Lab) | 4 |
SCI 310 | Environmental Science | 3 |
SCI 312 | Physics (with Lab) | 4 |
SCI 315 | Applied Chemistry (with Lab) | 4 |
Public Policy Core (18 Credits)
Public Policy Core courses require a minimum passing grade of a "C."
Suggested Course Sequence
Semester 1
CTA 206 | Computer Applications | 3 |
ENG 121 | English Composition I | 3 |
PHI 100 | Introduction to Critical Thinking | 3 |
SCI 251 | Biology I (with Lab) | 4 |
| | |
FYE 101 | First Year Experience Seminar | 3 |
| OR | |
| Free Elective | 3 |
Semester 2
ENG 122 | English Composition II | 3 |
HIS 315 | The Green Revolution: History of the Environmental Movement in America | 3 |
MAT 205 | Introductory Survey of Mathematics | 3 |
SCI 252 | Biology II (with Lab) | 4 |
SOC 101 | Introduction to Sociology | 3 |
Semester 1
Semester 2
Semester 1
GIS 300 | Geographic Information Systems Science & Technology | 3 |
| OR | |
CTA 226 | Integrating Excel into Business Problem Solving | 3 |
| | |
SCI 312 | Physics (with Lab) | 4 |
| | |
SCI 302 | Secret of Life: A Study of Human Biology | 3 |
| OR | |
SCI 337 | Genetics | 4 |
| | |
POL 300 | American Politics | 3 |
| Free Elective | 3 |
Semester 2
LES 216 | Environmental Law | 3 |
POL 326 | Public Policy and Social Issues | 3 |
SCI 315 | Applied Chemistry (with Lab) | 4 |
SCI 441 | Co-op Education Experience for Science | 3 |
SCI 442 | Co-op Education Experience for Science | 3 |
Semester 1
POL 370 | Energy and Environmental Policy | 3 |
POL 402 | Analysis of Public Policy | 3 |
| Core Elective | 3 |
| Core Elective | 3 |
| Free Elective | 3 |
Semester 2
CAS 495 | Senior Seminar | 3 |
POL 403 | Writing for Public Policy | 3 |
| Core Elective | 3 |
| Free Elective | 3 |
Environmental Science and Policy Completion Degree
What is a Completion Degree?
A completion degree is a personalized version of a bachelor's degree created exclusively for students who have completed an associate's degree at an accredited institution. (Students who have not completed an associate's degree should return to the full Environmental Science and Policy, Bachelor of Science degree information.) Completion degrees are available for most Wilmington University Bachelor of Science degrees. A student who expects to transfer a completed associate's degree should communicate with a Wilmington University academic advisor before registering for courses. A transcript with documentation of the conferred degree must be received by Wilmington University to confirm eligibility.
Environmental Science and Policy Completion Degree Requirements
A minimum passing grade of "C" is required for LES 206, LES 216, SCI 252, SCI 337/302, SCI 310, PHI 300, HUM 381, POL 326, POL 370, POL 402, and POL 403.
Additional course work as needed to meet 120 credits for graduation.
The following courses or their equivalents are pre-requisites for the Environmental Science and Policy completion degree. If you have transfer credits that do not include equivalents to the classes below, you are expected to complete them prior to taking the core course for which they are pre-requisites.
ENG 121 English Composition I
ENG 122 English Composition II
SCI 251 Biology I or SCI 232 Life and Environmental Science
POL 300 American Politics