Middle Level Education (Grades 6-8)

Bachelor of Science

This program is nationally recognized by the Association for Middle Level Education (AMLE) and is accredited by CAEP (Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation).

THIS IS A DELAWARE LICENSURE/CERTIFICATION PROGRAM WITH CONTENT KNOWLEDGE AND PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT REQUIREMENTS. Students taking courses to satisfy certification requirements are personally responsible for verifying with the Delaware Department of Education (or the appropriate licensure/certification authority in another state) that such course work is applicable and acceptable. Students are also responsible for meeting all state-mandated testing requirements and for applying for credentials. Wilmington University has not made determinations for licensure in states outside of Delaware. For state-by-state contact information for inquiring about individual state licensure requirements, please visit NC-SARA's Professional Licensure Directory.


In addition to general admissions requirements, admission to this degree program requires applicants to have a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale or have a GPA in the top 50th percentile for coursework completed during the most recent two years of the applicant’s general education, whether secondary or post-secondary.

Admission to the Bachelor of Science 6-8 degree program requires the following:

1. Complete and submit the Application for Admission, accompanied by a non-refundable application fee.

2. Submit an official high school transcript. With official transcripts, submit a copy of your Immunization Records.

3. Applicants are also asked to provide official and complete score reports from the Praxis Core exam and/or test results from the SAT or ACT demonstrating mastery of general knowledge, including the ability to read, write and compute. This is to provide the College of Education and Liberal Arts with data that can satisfy national program accreditation requirements. 

NOTE: These test scores will NOT affect admissions decisions, but are used to comply with program approval and accreditation standards.

It is important for candidates to identify Wilmington University as an official score recipient. This enables scores to be sent directly, confidentially, and electronically. Otherwise, candidates must provide original copies of all official score reports. For more information about ETS exams (including how to register), go to www.ETS.org. Visit College Board to have SAT or ACT scores sent to Wilmington University.

4. Schedule an appointment with an Academic Advisor to discuss program requirements and expectations.

After completing all of the above, register for EDU 102 (E-Folio) and EDU 203 (Instructional Technology for Educators. These courses are prerequisites for all other courses in the program.

Content and Performance Assessment Requirements

State-approved degree programs contribute to eligibility for licensure/certification as an educator in Delaware public schools. As such, all applicants for a Delaware Initial Teaching License must meet the content and performance assessment requirements described in DE Administrative Code .

Content Assessment 

By regulation, “Where a content readiness exam is applicable and available in area, subject, or category of specialization sought, the Candidate shall achieve a passing score on an examination as established by the Professional Standards Board, in consultation with the Department and with concurrence of the State Board.”

The assessments and minimum test score requirements established by the Delaware Department of Education for this degree program are dependent on the candidate's area of concentration.

The required assessment is dependent on the candidate’s area of concentration. The exam choices are:

Test Score
ETS 5047 English Language Arts 164
ETS 5442 Science 152
ETS 5164 Mathematics 155
ETS 5089 Social Studies 164

Please note that state-mandated licensure/certification exams and minimum score requirements are subject to change by the Delaware Department of Education.  Any changes mandated by the Department of Education will be implemented as required by state regulation.


Performance Assessment

The College of Education and Liberal Arts at Wilmington University requires students pursuing teacher preparation degrees to take the Praxis Performance Assessment for Teachers (PPAT) in order to qualify for program completion and degree conferral. The performance assessment is not scored by any employees of the University.  It is scored by Nationally Certified ETS Reviewers not associated with Wilmington University. Completing this assessment is a student teaching requirement.  Candidates must check with their supervisors, program advisors or program chairs to obtain current and accurate information related score expectations.

Program Requirements

Teacher candidates are expected to complete all requirements associated with the Bachelor of Science degree with a concentration in Middle Level Education 6-8, including all course work and clinical experiences. The College of Education and Liberal Arts sets a required minimum grade of “C-” for all Education core courses (ECE, EDU, RDG, and EPY), and an overall cumulative GPA (grade point average) of 3.0.

The College of Education and Liberal Arts at Wilmington University reserves the right to modify requirements to comply with any licensure/certification changes mandated by the Delaware State Department of Education.

Teacher candidates must pass Praxis II Content Knowledge for licensure/certification in the area of concentration prior to receiving a student teaching/internship placement and must be passed in order to register for EDU 451. The Praxis II Content Knowledge test must be taken by EDU 391, Practicum II. Taking the Praxis II Content Knowledge test is a requirement of registration into EDU 392, Practicum III.

Teacher candidates must designate Wilmington University and the Delaware Department of Education as score recipients at the time the tests are taken.

Fieldwork Requirements

All fieldwork placements are arranged by the Office of Clinical Studies in accordance with school district partnership agreements and placement protocols. However, final placement decisions are made by school district officials in coordination with placement specialists and are based on school and district needs and the availability of school-based mentors who are rated as highly qualified and effective. Candidates are not permitted to seek their own placements.

Practicum Courses (Practicum I, II, III)

Each of these three courses require 60 hours of field experience in an approved school setting plus 30 hours of required seminars. Although Practicum courses only require candidates to register and pay for one (1) credit for each course, the courses are actually structured as three (3) credit courses. The reason for this approach is to keep the total credit hours required for the degree as low as possible and still meet state certification requirements. Otherwise, candidates would have to register and pay for an additional 6 credits. This benefit represents a tuition cost savings of more than $2,000.

All practicum placements are arranged by the Office of Clinical Studies in accordance with school district partnership agreements and placement protocols. Final placement decisions are made by school district officials. Candidates are not permitted to seek or make arrangements for their own placements.  The 60 hours of field experience required for each practicum will usually take place in the county where the candidate attends the seminars, although this may vary depending on availability of practicum placement classrooms.

To be considered for placement in a K-12 school setting, teacher candidates must complete the Practicum Fieldwork application in SL&L (Student Learning and Licensure) by the deadlines of February 1 for placement in Fall (September) and August 1 for placement in Spring (January).  At the time of application, a sealed Federal and Delaware CBC (Criminal Background Check) Report, a recent TB/PPD (less than a year old) and a completed CPR (Child Protection Registry Form) are required.

Capstone Clinical Experience (Student Teaching/Internship)

The capstone clinical experience is a full-time, full-day, Monday through Friday placement of 80 school days in an approved setting and in a content area/grade level that corresponds to a candidate's program concentration. A full immersion, Yearlong Residency option may also be available. Check with a Program Advisor or Program Chair for more information.


Teacher candidates must apply to the Office of Clinical Studies for a Student Teaching/Internship placement for the Fall semester (September) by February 1 or for the Spring semester (January) by August 1. Student Teaching/Teaching Internship applications are to be submitted electronically in SL&L (Student Learning and Licensure). Applications do NOT take the place of registering for Student Teaching/Internship. Registration and payment of all fees, including laboratory fees for Student Teaching/Internship, are still required. At the time of application, a new and sealed Federal and Delaware CBC (Criminal Background Check) Report, a new TB/PPD, a completed health form, and a completed CPR (Child Protection Registry Form) are required.


Placement and registration requirements include the following: Passing scores on the relevant PRAXIS II exam, a 3.0 grade point average, completion of all teacher preparation and content coursework, and a completed application in S&L (Student Learning and Licensure) and all required clearance items.  All placements are arranged by placement specialists in the WilmU Office of Clinical Studies in accordance with school district partnership agreements and protocols. However, final placement decisions are made by school district officials and are based on school and district needs and the availability of school-based mentors who are rated as highly-qualified and effective. Candidates are not permitted to seek or make arrangements for their own placements.


Courses required of all Middle Level Education Candidates

General Education Requirements

(Math, English, Social Studies 31 credits) (Science 35 credits)

CTA 206Computer Applications



FYE 101First Year Experience Seminar


ECO 105Fundamentals of Economics


HIS 204World History


PHI 100Introduction to Critical Thinking


BIO 251Biology I (with Lab)


ENG 121English Composition I


ENG 122English Composition II


ENG 320Advanced Composition


HIS 381Contemporary Global Issues


MAT 205Introductory Survey of Mathematics



Science Majors must also take ENV 305 as part of their General Education Requirements:

ENV 305Earth Science (with Lab)


Fine Arts Requirements (6 credits)

Select 2 courses from:

ART 101Art Appreciation 1


ART 203Non-Western Art


ART 210Basic Design


ART 301Drawing and Painting


ART 302Drawing


ART 304Painting


ART 315Watercolor Painting


COM 431Media and Society


DRA 105Introduction to the Theater


DRA 110Acting


DSN 110Fundamentals of Drawing


DSN 210Basic Photoshop


HIS 230History of Art and Design


MUS 101Music Appreciation


SPA 301Practical Spanish I


TEC 215Basic Photography


Social and Behavioral Science Courses (9 credits)

PSY 332Adolescent Development


PSY 333Psychology of the Exceptional Child


PSY 101Introduction to Psychology


Education Courses (33 credits)

EDU 102E-Folio


EDU 203Instructional Technology


EDU 204Leadership and Collaboration


EDU 307Instructional Strategies in Middle Level Education


EDU 308Teaching in the Middle School


EDU 310Applied Behavior Analysis and Classroom Culture


EDU 311Assistive Technology


EDU 313Classroom Culture and Student Behavior


EPY 201Development and Implementation of IEPs


EPY 304Advising and Mentoring in the Middle School


EPY 402Learning Differences and Assessment of Exceptional Children


RDG 308Diagnosis and Correction of Learning Differences in Reading


Clinical Components (15 credits)

EDU 390Practicum I


EDU 391Practicum II


EDU 392Practicum III


EDU 451Student Teaching


EDU 452Performance Assessment


EDU 452 must be taken in conjunction with EDU 451 Student Teaching

Transfer Credits: Accreditation requires our program to collect data on student performance in a variety of courses. For that reason, students will not be able to transfer in courses to cover the following coursework.

EDU 203, EDU 204, EDU 308, EDU 310, EDU 311 EDU 315, EDU 390, EDU 391, EDU 392, EDU 407, EDU 408, EDU 409, EDU 410, EDU 451, EDU 452, EPY 402, RDG 308

Content Area Courses

English/LA Content (27 credits)

EDU 407Integrated Approaches to Teaching Middle Level Language Arts/Reading


COM 300Communication Theory


COM 431Media and Society


ENG 200English Grammar


LIT 205World/Non-Western Literature


LIT 302Adolescent Literature


LIT 336American Literature


LIT 400Multicultural Literature


LIT 410Non-Fiction Literature


Mathematics Content (27 credits)

EDU 410Integrated Approaches to Teaching Middle Math


MAT 200Pre-Calculus


MAT 308Inferential Statistics


MAT 310Calculus I


MAT 311Calculus II


MAT 320Finite Mathematics


MAT 330Discrete Math


MAT 331Geometry


MAT 332History of Mathematics


Science Content (24 credits)

EDU 409Integrated Approaches to Teaching Middle School Science


MAT 200Pre-Calculus


MAT 308Inferential Statistics


BIO 252Biology II (with Lab)


ENV 303Climate Dynamics


SCI 312Physics (with Lab)


SCI 315Applied Chemistry (with Lab)


Social Studies Content (27 credits)

EDU 408Integrated Approaches to Teaching Middle Level Social Science


HIS 300World and Regional Geography


HIS 316American History


HIS 324Delaware History


POL 300American Politics


POL 326Public Policy and Social Issues


SOC 101Introduction to Sociology


SOC 306Cultural Anthropology


SOC 320Society and Technology



This is a state-approved degree program which contributes to eligibility for a State of Delaware Initial Teaching License and Certification as a classroom teacher in Grades 6-8 (EPY 201, EDU 310, EDU 311, EPY 402, and RDG 308).  The program also includes all the coursework necessary for Delaware certification as a Special Education teacher, Grades 6-8, in the content area(s) that correspond to a candidate’s content area major (English Language Arts, Social Studies, Science or Mathematics). To qualify for the additional certification in Special Education, candidates need to take and pass ETS Praxis II Exam #5354, Special Education: Core Knowledge and Applications.  The minimum score requirement for Delaware is 151).  

It is highly recommended that candidates obtain certification in special education, as this is required by many schools and school districts.