Academic Probation and Suspension

A student will be considered to have unsatisfactory academic standing if the cumulative grade point average falls below the following minimum requirements:

Credit Hours Earned  Cumulative GPA 
 1-30 1.6 
 31-60 1.8 
 61-120 2.0 

(Student athletes must check with the Athletic Director or Academic Advisor for specific GPA restrictions). 

The Academic Review Committee will meet each semester to review academic records. The Committee may take the following actions for students who have an unsatisfactory cumulative GPA.

  • • First occurrence: Academic probation
  • • Second occurrence: Continued academic probation
  • • Third and subsequent occurrences: Continued academic probation or suspension

A student on Academic Probation is limited to a maximum load of 12 credit hours per semester (less, if recommended by the Academic Review Committee). Students placed on continued probation are required to consult with and seek approval from an Academic Advisor prior to enrolling in any courses. Academic suspension begins the next academic block.

A suspended student may be reinstated on a probationary status by presenting a written appeal to their college dean and receiving approval from the Academic Review Committee. The suspended student must wait one semester before any appeal is written.
Any student who receives an institutional scholarship or tuition assistance from Wilmington University is required to maintain a 2.0 grade point average each semester. Failure to do so will result in the withdrawal of the institutional award from the student’s account for the following semester.

Table 1. Undergraduate Grading System 

Grade  Numerical Equivalent  Quality Points  Explanation 
95-100   4.00  Excellent. The student has demonstrated a quality of work and accomplishment far beyond the normal requirements and shows originality of thought and mastery of material. 
A- 92-94  3.67   
 B+ 89-91   3.33  
86-88  3.00  Good. The student’s achievement exceeds satisfactory accomplishment, showing a clearer indication of initiative, comprehension of material, and the ability to work with concepts. 
B-   83-85 2.67   
C+ 80-82 2.33   
 C  77-79  2.00  Satisfactory. The student has met the formal requirements and has demonstrated comprehension of the material and the ability to work with concepts.
C-  74-76  1.67   
 D+  71-73  1.33  
68-70  1.00   
D-  65-67   0.67  Lowest Passing Grade. The student's accomplishment, while passing in some programs, is deficient. Minimum requirements have been met without distinction.
Below 65  0.00  Failure. 
 FA    0.00 Failure Due to Absence. Student did not complete a sufficient amount of work to earn a passing grade. 
  0.00  Satisfactory. The student has met expected standards of scholarship. This grade signifies acceptable performance of the course objectives. 
  0.00   Unsatisfactory. The student has not met the minimum course requirements. 
  0.00  Incomplete. May be granted with approval from instructor. If granted, student must complete course work within time determined (maximum 60 days following end of course). Failure to complete work in determined time will result in a final grade of “F,” unless an additional extension is granted. 
 IP    0.00  Course in Progress. This grade is specific to Practicums, Internships, and Senior Seminars.
AU    0.00  Audit. Does not yield credit. 
   0.00  Withdraw. No academic penalty.
NG    0.00  No Grade. A grade was not recorded by the instructor. 

Table 2. Class Standing According to Credits Earned 

Credits Earned  Class Standing 
 0-30  Freshman
31-60 Sophomore 
61-90  Junior
91-120  Senior