THIS IS A DELAWARE LICENSURE/CERTIFICATION PROGRAM WITH CONTENT KNOWLEDGE AND PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT REQUIREMENTS. Students taking courses to satisfy certification requirements are personally responsible for verifying with the Delaware Department of Education (or the appropriate licensure/certification authority in another state) that such course work is applicable and acceptable. Students are also responsible for meeting all state-mandated testing requirements and/or teaching experience requirements, and for applying for credentials. Wilmington University has not made determinations for licensure in states outside of Delaware. For state-by-state contact information for inquiring about individual state licensure requirements, please visit NC-SARA's Professional Licensure Directory.
In addition to general admissions requirements, admission to this degree program requires applicants to have a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale or have a GPA in the top 50th percentile for coursework completed during the most recent two years of the applicant’s general education, whether secondary or post-secondary.
Admission to the Master of Education Career and Technical Education degree program requires the following:
1. Complete and submit the Application for Admission, accompanied by a non-refundable application fee.
2. Submit an official transcript or transcripts verifying completion of a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college or university. Transcripts and all application documents should be sent to Wilmington University Office of Graduate Admissions. Please note that any course(s) accepted for transfer into the program must have a letter grade of B or better and be from a degree-granting, regionally-accredited institution. With official transcripts, submit a copy of your Immunization Records.
3. Schedule a program planning conference with the Program Coordinator.
After completing all of the above, register for MED 6102 (E-Folio), which is a prerequisite for all other courses in the program.
Performance Assessment Requirements
Performance Assessment
This degree program contributes to eligibility for licensure/certification as an educator in Delaware public schools. As such, all candidates must meet the performance assessment requirement set by Delaware’s Professional Standards Board.
The performance assessment may not be scored by any employees of the Educator Preparation Program. It is scored by Nationally Certified ETS Reviewers not associated with Wilmington University. The assessment used by Wilmington University to satisfy this requirement is the Praxis Performance Assessment for Teachers (PPAT).
This assessment will be completed during the Capstone Course for those candidates who participate in student teaching. Candidates who perform the Action/Research option are not required to complete the PPAT for purposes of the degree program.
Candidates must check with their program chair to obtain current and accurate information related to the assessment and minimum scores that are required.
Program Purpose
The purpose of the Master of Education in Career and Technical Education program is to provide opportunities for individuals to pursue professional development, Delaware certification*, and/or a master’s degree. Courses in the program will provide Career and Technical teachers with the necessary skills to be successful in the classroom.
*Note: The Delaware Department of Education certificate is now: Skilled and Technical Sciences Teacher.
Program Competencies
Program competencies for this degree are identical to those currently in effect for the M.Ed. in Elementary Studies (K-6), with the exception of those competencies associated with practicum and student teaching courses. Program competencies and attributes are derived from the College of Education and Liberal Arts Conceptual Framework and the InTASC standards (Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium), and are described in detail at the following links:
Conceptual Framework
InTASC Standards
Qualifications for Degree
All candidates entering the program must register for MED 6102 during the first Block they wish to take courses. Candidates must successfully complete all courses in one of the two options (A or B). Once selected, deviation from the chosen Option must be approved by the Program Coordinator.
Candidates have two Capstone Project (MCT 6420) options. Candidates who are not currently certified to teach or are not employed in a teaching position MAY complete a student teaching Clinical Component. This will be coordinated through the Office of Clinical Studies.
Candidates may also elect to complete a Capstone Project (MCT 6420) consisting of a project-based assignment.
Candidates for the Master of Education Degree in Career and Technical Education must successfully complete a minimum of 36 graduate-level credits, including the six-credit clinical component (MCT 6420), with a GPA of 3.00 or better. The College of Education and Liberal Arts sets the grade of “C” as the lowest grade that is acceptable in any required teacher preparation course. Courses with a grade of “C-” or lower must be repeated.
The program must be completed within five years. The College of Education and Liberal Arts at Wilmington University reserves the right to modify requirements to comply with any licensure/certification changes mandated by the Delaware State Department of Education.
Course Requirements
Option A - Certification Program
Plus 1 elective from Option B below (3 credits)
Certain courses in Option A may be required for Delaware C and T (Skilled and Technical Sciences) certification. Each candidate should verify through the Department of Education, which courses are required for certification. A teacher who has already earned undergraduate credits for any of the required certification courses should select alternative courses from option B to complete the master's degree.
MCT 6420 - Delaware Skilled and Technical Sciences instructors are not required to student teach to be eligible for licensure. Therefore, the Capstone Project consists of a Directed Study Action/Research Project.
Option B - Instructional Program
Plus 2 electives from Option A courses (6 credits)
MCT 6420 - Delaware Skilled and Technical Sciences instructors are not required to student teach to be eligible for licensure. Therefore, the Capstone Project consists of a Directed Study Action/Research Project.