2024-25 UCSC Faculty

Last Name

First Name



Abadi Martin Professor Emeritus Computer Science and Engineering
Abbaszadeh Shiva Associate Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering
Abraham W Professor Emeritus Philosophy
Abrams Elizabeth Teaching Professor Writing Program
Abrams Zsuzsi Professor Languages and Applied Linguistics
Achs Rachel Assistant Professor Philosophy
Adams Robert Professor Emeritus Economics
Afrisando Jay Assistant Professor Music
Aguilera Michelle Assistant Professor Education
Aguirre Anthony Professor Physics
Aherne Patrick Professor Emeritus Art
Ahmad Ishtiyaque Acting Assistant Professor Computer Science and Engineering
Aissen Judith Professor Emeritus Linguistics
Aizenman Joshua Professor Emeritus Economics
Akeson Mark Professor Emeritus Biomolecular Engineering
Akhtar Nameera Professor Psychology
Aladro Font Jorge Professor Literature
Aldhous Peter Lecturer Continuing Science Communication
Alexandradinata Aris Assistant Professor Physics
Alfaro-Córdoba Marcela Assistant Teaching Professor Statistics
Ali Arshad Associate Professor Education
Alinder Jasmine Professor History
Alkon Alison Associate Teaching Professor Sociology
Alonzo Suzanne Professor Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Altice Nathan Associate Teaching Professor Computational Media
Altmannshofer Wolfgang Associate Professor Physics
Alvaro Peter Associate Professor Computer Science and Engineering
Amengual Mark Professor Languages and Applied Linguistics
Amis George Professor Emeritus Literature
Amis Margaret Lecturer Continuing Writing Program
Anand Pranav Professor Linguistics
Anderson Elliot Associate Professor Art
Anderson Mark Professor Anthropology
Anderson Roger Professor Emeritus Chemistry and Biochemistry
Anderson Scott Lecturer Continuing Economics
Andrews Lawrence Professor Film and Digital Media
Angelo Hillary Associate Professor Sociology
Anthony III David H Professor Emeritus History
Aptheker Bettina Professor Emeritus Feminist Studies
Archer Cameron Lecturer Continuing Film and Digital Media
Arden Owen Associate Professor Computer Science and Engineering
Ares Manuel Professor Emeritus Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Argenal Amy Assistant Teaching Professor Sociology
Arondekar Anjali Professor Feminist Studies
Aronson Elliot Professor Emeritus Psychology
Arredondo Gabriela Associate Professor Latin American and Latino Studies
Arribere Joshua Associate Professor Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Arthur Derede Senior Lecturer Continuing Writing Program
Ash Doris Professor Emeritus Education
Aso Noriko Associate Professor History
Asphaug Erik Professor Emeritus Earth & Planetary Sciences
Auerbuch Stone Victoria Professor Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology
Ayon Jon Assistant Professor Film and Digital Media
Ayzner Alexander Associate Professor Chemistry and Biochemistry
Azeb Sophia Assistant Professor Critical Race & Ethnic Studies
Azmitia Margarita Professor Psychology
Aznar Ignacio Associate Teaching Professor Emeritus Languages and Applied Linguistics
Bachman Erik Lecturer Continuing Porter College
Bailey Delbert Lecturer Continuing Computer Science and Engineering
Baker Mark Lecturer Continuing Oakes College
Baker Mark Senior Lecturer Continuing Writing Program
Ball Tamara Lecturer Continuing Rachel Carson College
Ballard Patrick Michael Assistant Teaching Professor Performance, Play and Design
Balloffet Lily Associate Professor Latin American and Latino Studies
Banks Thomas Professor Emeritus Physics
Barad Karen Professor History of Consciousness
Barahona Byron Lecturer Continuing Languages and Applied Linguistics
Barbora Sanjay Acting Associate Professor Sociology
Bargu Banu Professor History of Consciousness
Bartlett Lora Associate Professor Education
Bassi Karen Professor Emeritus Literature
Batalha Natalie Professor Astronomy and Astrophysics
Bäuerle Frank Teaching Professor Mathematics
Baumbach Ryan Acting Associate Professor Physics
Baumgarten Murray Professor Emeritus Literature
Beal Amy Professor Music
Beamer Scott Assistant Professor Computer Science and Engineering
Beaulieu Claudie Associate Professor Ocean Sciences
Beaumont Elizabeth Associate Professor Politics
Beecher Jonathan Professor Emeritus History
Belanger David Professor Emeritus Physics
Bell Dorian Associate Professor Literature
Beltran Roxanne Assistant Professor Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Benjamin Ilan Professor Chemistry and Biochemistry
Benner Chris Professor Environmental Studies
Benner Chris Professor Sociology
Bennett Ryan Professor Linguistics
Berman Nathaniel Lecturer Continuing Music
Berman Phillip Professor Emeritus Biomolecular Engineering
Bernardi Giacomo Professor Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Bernick David Associate Teaching Professor Biomolecular Engineering
Bertram Eva Associate Professor Politics
Bettie Julie Associate Professor Sociology
Bhalla Needhi Professor Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Bhargava Kriti Assistant Teaching Professor Computer Science and Engineering
Bhattacharya Nandini Senior Lecturer Continuing Mathematics
Biehl Jody Associate Teaching Professor Humanities Division
Biehl Peter Professor Anthropology
Bierman James Professor Emeritus Performance, Play and Design
Binder Caitlin Lecturer Continuing Chemistry and Biochemistry
Birnbaum Raoul Professor Emeritus History of Art and Visual Culture
Bittar Josefina Assistant Professor Languages and Applied Linguistics
Bivens Hunter Associate Professor Literature
Blackburn Terry Associate Professor Earth & Planetary Sciences
Blumenthal George Professor Emeritus Astronomy and Astrophysics
Bodenheimer Peter Professor Emeritus Astronomy and Astrophysics
Boeger Hanns Professor Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Bogomolni Roberto Professor Emeritus Chemistry and Biochemistry
Bolte Michael Professor Emeritus Astronomy and Astrophysics
Boltje Robert Professor Mathematics
Bonam Courtney Associate Professor Psychology
Bonett Douglas Professor Psychology
Bordignon Guido Associate Teaching Professor Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Borker Abe Assistant Teaching Professor Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Bose Dev Associate Teaching Professor Writing Program
Bose Soumya Assistant Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering
Boudewyn Megan Assistant Professor Psychology
Bowin John Associate Professor Philosophy
Bowman Barry Professor Emeritus Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Boyd David Assistant Professor Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Brandt Scott Professor Computer Science and Engineering
Brandwajn Alexandre Professor Emeritus Computer Science and Engineering
Braslau Rebecca Professor Chemistry and Biochemistry
Brasoveanu Adrian Professor Linguistics
Breakspear Anthony Lecturer Continuing Writing Program
Breen Benjamin Associate Professor History
Brenneis Don Professor Emeritus Anthropology
Brenner Gail Lecturer Continuing Writing Program
brice mattie Assistant Professor Performance, Play and Design
Bridges Bud Professor Emeritus Physics
Brodie Jean Professor Emeritus Astronomy and Astrophysics
Brodsky Emily Professor Earth & Planetary Sciences
Brooks Angela Professor Biomolecular Engineering
Brose Margaret Professor Emeritus Literature
Brown George Professor Emeritus Physics
Brown Michael Professor Emeritus Politics
Bruland Kenneth Professor Emeritus Ocean Sciences
Brummell Nic Professor Applied Mathematics
Brundage David Professor Emeritus History
Bueno Claudio Assistant Professor Art
Bugg Laura Beth Associate Teaching Professor Social Sciences Division
Bullock Heather Professor Psychology
Bulman George Associate Professor Economics
Bunch George Professor Education
Bundy Kevin Associate Professor Astronomy and Astrophysics
Burgin Victor Professor Emeritus History of Consciousness
Burke Edmund Professor Emeritus History
Burton-Carvajal Julianne Professor Emeritus Literature
Bury Jeffrey Professor Environmental Studies
Cailloux Renée Lecturer Continuing Languages and Applied Linguistics
Caldwell Lissa Professor Anthropology
Callanan Maureen Professor Psychology
Calsoyas Candace Lecturer Continuing Rachel Carson College
Camblin Caren Senior Lecturer Continuing Stevenson College
Cameron Elisabeth Professor Emeritus History of Art and Visual Culture
Cameron Kenneth Professor Emeritus Earth & Planetary Sciences
Campbell Elliott Professor Environmental Studies
Camps Manel Professor Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology
Cardenas Alvaro Associate Professor Computer Science and Engineering
cárdenas Micha Associate Professor Critical Race & Ethnic Studies
cárdenas Micha Associate Professor Performance, Play and Design
Cardilla Kim Lecturer Continuing Psychology
Carpenter Susan Professor Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Carr Mark Professor Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Carson Ben Professor Music
Carstensdottir Elin Assistant Professor Computational Media
Carter Sue Professor Physics
Casanova Saskias Associate Professor Psychology
Castillo Pedro Professor Emeritus History
Castillo-Trelles Carolina Lecturer Continuing Languages and Applied Linguistics
Casumbal-Salazar Iokepa Assistant Professor Critical Race & Ethnic Studies
Cha Mijin Assistant Professor Environmental Studies
Chacón Dustin Assistant Professor Linguistics
Chamorro-Garcia Raquel Assistant Professor Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology
Chan Pak Professor Emeritus Electrical and Computer Engineering
Chan Shelly Associate Professor History
Chattopadhyay Ashesh Assistant Professor Applied Mathematics
Chatziafratis Vaggos Assistant Professor Computer Science and Engineering
Check Hayden Erika Associate Teaching Professor Physical & Biological Sciences Division
Chemers Marty Professor Emeritus Psychology
Chemers Michael Professor Performance, Play and Design
Chen Bin Professor Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Chen Chris Associate Professor Literature
Chen Nancy Professor Anthropology
Chen Shaowei Professor Chemistry and Biochemistry
Chen Yihsu Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering
Cheng Weixin Professor Environmental Studies
Cheung Yin-Wong Professor Emeritus Economics
Childers Geoffrey Lecturer Continuing Stevenson College
Childs John Professor Emeritus Sociology
Christensen Peter Associate Professor Economics
Christy Alan Professor History
Chuang Patrick Professor Earth & Planetary Sciences
Chung Christina Assistant Professor Computational Media
Chung Sandy Professor Emeritus Linguistics
Cioc Mark Professor Emeritus History
Clapham Matthew Professor Earth & Planetary Sciences
Clifford James Professor Emeritus History of Consciousness
Cobbins-Modica Quin'Nita Assistant Professor History
Coe Robert Professor Emeritus Earth & Planetary Sciences
Cole Hannah Assistant Professor Literature
Colquitt Bradley Assistant Professor Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Comandur Seshadhri Professor Computer Science and Engineering
Connery Chris Professor Literature
Contos Paul Lecturer Continuing Music
Cook Andrea Lecturer Continuing Psychology
Coonerty Ryan Lecturer Continuing Legal Studies
Cooper Catherine Professor Emeritus Psychology
Cooperstein Bruce Professor Emeritus Mathematics
Cooppan Vilashini Professor Critical Race & Ethnic Studies
Cooppan Vilashini Professor Literature
Cope David Professor Emeritus Music
Corbett-Detig Russell Professor Biomolecular Engineering
Cornejo Omar Associate Professor Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Cortez Valerie Assistant Professor Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Corzine Keith Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering
Costa Daniel Professor Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Coulter Steve Lecturer Continuing Writing Program
Coulter William Senior Lecturer Continuing Music
Covarrubias Rebecca Associate Professor Psychology
Cowan Michael Professor Emeritus American Studies
Crews Phil Professor Emeritus Chemistry and Biochemistry
Crichton E.G. Professor Emeritus Art
Croll Don Professor Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Crosby Faye Professor Emeritus Psychology
Cruz Cindy Professor Emeritus Education
Curry Robert Professor Emeritus Environmental Studies
Cuthbert David Lee Professor Performance, Play and Design
Daehnke Jon Associate Professor Anthropology
Daifallah Yasmeen Assistant Professor Politics
Daniel Sharon Professor Film and Digital Media
Daniels Ray Lecturer Continuing Writing Program
Darke A.M. Associate Professor Performance, Play and Design
Davidenko Nicolas Professor Psychology
Davis Angela Professor Emeritus History of Consciousness
Davis James Professor Computer Science and Engineering
Davis Muriam Associate Professor History
Davis William Professor Emeritus Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
De Alfaro Luca Professor Computer Science and Engineering
De Lauretis Teresa Professor Emeritus History of Consciousness
de Roock Roberto Associate Professor Education
Deamer David Professor Emeritus Biomolecular Engineering
Dean Carolyn Professor History of Art and Visual Culture
Delaney Peggy Professor Emeritus Ocean Sciences
Delgado Grace Peña Professor History
Demertzis Ioannis Assistant Professor Computer Science and Engineering
Demos T. J. Professor History of Art and Visual Culture
Dent Gina Professor Humanities Division
Derr Jennifer Associate Professor History
Desa Subhas Teaching Professor Baskin Engineering
Deutsch Joshua Professor Emeritus Physics
Deutsch Nathaniel Professor History
Devecka Martin Associate Professor Literature
Diaz Josen Associate Professor Critical Race & Ethnic Studies
Dillon Lindsey Associate Professor Sociology
Dine Michael Professor Emeritus Physics
Dinishak Janette Associate Professor Philosophy
Dobkin Carlos Professor Economics
Domhoff G. William Professor Emeritus Sociology
Donaldson Bryan Professor Languages and Applied Linguistics
Dong Chongying Professor Mathematics
Dooley Michael Professor Emeritus Economics
Dorfan David Professor Emeritus Physics
Doucet-Battle James Associate Professor Sociology
Du Puis Melanie Professor Emeritus Sociology
Duane Tim Professor Emeritus Environmental Studies
Dubois Rebecca Professor Biomolecular Engineering
Dudley Walter Professor Emeritus Music
Dunkin Robin Associate Teaching Professor Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Dunn David Professor Emeritus Music
Eaton Kent Professor Politics
Edmunds Kate Professor Emeritus Film and Digital Media
Edwards Chris Professor Ocean Sciences
Eger Markus Assistant Teaching Professor Computational Media
Ehrhardt Torsten Professor Mathematics
Einarsdottir Olof Professor Emeritus Chemistry and Biochemistry
El Dessouky Dina Lecturer Continuing Writing Program
Elbaum Bernard Professor Emeritus Economics
Elkaim Gabriel Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering
Ellis John Professor Emeritus Literature
Ellis Jon Associate Professor Philosophy
Ellis Nathan Assistant Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering
Epps Harland Professor Emeritus Astronomy and Astrophysics
Epstein Barbara Professor Emeritus History of Consciousness
Erb Joseph Associate Professor Film and Digital Media
Erbig Jeffrey Associate Professor Latin American and Latino Studies
Eroy-Reveles Alegra Associate Teaching Professor Chemistry and Biochemistry
Errington Shelly Professor Emeritus Anthropology
Escobar Vega Laura Associate Professor Mathematics
Eshraghian Jason Assistant Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering
Evangelatou Maria Professor History of Art and Visual Culture
Ezerova Maria Lecturer Continuing Music
Faber Sandra Professor Emeritus Astronomy and Astrophysics
Fairbairn Madeleine Associate Professor Environmental Studies
Fairlie Robert Professor Economics
Falcón Sylvanna Associate Professor Latin American and Latino Studies
Farkas Donka Professor Emeritus Linguistics
Farquhar Dion Lecturer Continuing Crown College
Faulkner John Professor Emeritus Astronomy and Astrophysics
Favaloro Tela Associate Teaching Professor Baskin Engineering
Fehren-Schmitz Lars Professor Anthropology
Feldheim David Professor Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Feldl Nicole Associate Professor Earth & Planetary Sciences
Feldman Jerry Professor Emeritus Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Ferguson Joel Professor Emeritus Computer Science and Engineering
Fernando Mayanthi Associate Professor Anthropology
Ferrari Leonard Professor Emeritus Computer Science and Engineering
Fiechter Jerome Associate Professor Ocean Sciences
Finnegan Noah Professor Earth & Planetary Sciences
Fiore Giacomo Lecturer Continuing Music
Fischer Arthur Professor Emeritus Mathematics
Fisher Andrew Professor Earth & Planetary Sciences
Flanagan Cormac Professor Computer Science and Engineering
Flanigan Jeffrey Assistant Professor Computer Science and Engineering
Flegal Russ Professor Emeritus Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology
Flores Carolina (Caro) Assistant Professor Philosophy
Foley Mary (Kathy) Professor Emeritus Performance, Play and Design
Foley Ryan Associate Professor Astronomy and Astrophysics
Foreman Doyle Professor Emeritus Art
Forsberg Camilla Professor Biomolecular Engineering
Fortney Jonathan Professor Astronomy and Astrophysics
Fox Jonathan Professor Emeritus Latin American and Latino Studies
Fox Laurel Professor Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Fox Renee Associate Professor Literature
Fox Tree Jean Professor Psychology
Frank Dana Professor Emeritus History
Franko Mark Professor Emeritus Performance, Play and Design
Freccero Carla Professor Literature
Fredston Alexa Assistant Professor Ocean Sciences
Fregoso Rosa-Linda Professor Emeritus Latin American and Latino Studies
Fremont Daniel Assistant Professor Computer Science and Engineering
Friedlaender Ari Professor Ocean Sciences
Friedlander Benjamin Professor Emeritus Electrical and Computer Engineering
Friedman Daniel Professor Emeritus Economics
Fritsch Gregory Lecturer Continuing Performance, Play and Design
Friz Anna Associate Professor Film and Digital Media
Fukurai Hiroshi Professor Sociology
Fung Kwok-Chiu Professor Economics
Furniss Amy Associate Teaching Professor Physics
Furtado Nicole Assistant Professor History of Art and Visual Culture
Gaensler Bryan Acting Professor Astronomy and Astrophysics
Gaitet Pascale Professor Emeritus Literature
Gallagher Patty Professor Performance, Play and Design
Galloway Alison Professor Emeritus Anthropology
Galuszka Frank Professor Emeritus Art
Gamel Mary-Kay Professor Emeritus Literature
Garaud Pascale Professor Applied Mathematics
Garcia-Luna-Aceves J. J. Professor Emeritus Computer Science and Engineering
Garrick-Bethell Ian Professor Earth & Planetary Sciences
Gaspari George Professor Emeritus Physics
Gehring Jackie Associate Teaching Professor Politics
Getoor Lise Professor Computer Science and Engineering
Gharakhloo Roozbeh Assistant Professor Mathematics
Gianferrari Filippo Assistant Professor Literature
Gibson Greta Professor Emeritus Education
Gifford-Gonzalez Diane Professor Emeritus Anthropology
Giges Bob Lecturer Continuing Porter College
Gilbert Gregory Professor Environmental Studies
Gill James Professor Emeritus Earth & Planetary Sciences
Gillette Kristen Assistant Teaching Professor Performance, Play and Design
Gillman Susan Professor Literature
Gilpin Leilani Assistant Professor Computer Science and Engineering
Ginther Amy Mihyang Associate Professor Performance, Play and Design
Ginzburg Viktor Professor Mathematics
Giuliano Laura Professor Economics
Gjerde Per Professor Emeritus Psychology
Glass Ron Professor Emeritus Education
Glatzmaier Gary Professor Emeritus Earth & Planetary Sciences
Glenn Linda Lecturer Continuing Crown College
Gliessman Stephen Professor Emeritus Environmental Studies
Glogovac-Smith Chariell Assistant Professor Film and Digital Media
Goff Lynda Professor Emeritus Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Goff Robert Professor Emeritus Philosophy
Gomez Marcella Associate Professor Applied Mathematics
Gómez-Rivas Camilo Associate Professor Literature
Gong Mia Assistant Professor Linguistics
Gong Qi Professor Applied Mathematics
Gonzalez Jennifer Professor History of Art and Visual Culture
Gonzalez Julie Lecturer Continuing Economics
González Pagani Victoria Teaching Professor Languages and Applied Linguistics
Gonzalez-Rocha Javier Assistant Professor Applied Mathematics
Goodman David Professor Emeritus Environmental Studies
Gordon David Associate Professor Politics
Gordon June Professor Emeritus Education
Gori Stefania Professor Physics
Gorman Samantha Assistant Teaching Professor Computational Media
Gould Debbie Professor Sociology
Grabe Shelly Professor Psychology
Gray Herman Professor Emeritus Sociology
Green Richard Professor Biomolecular Engineering
Greenberg Miriam Professor Sociology
Greene Jody Professor Literature
Gregor Ed Lecturer Continuing Performance, Play and Design
Greider Carol Professor Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Grieson Ron Professor Emeritus Economics
Griggs Gary Professor Earth & Planetary Sciences
Gruesz Kirsten Professor Literature
Gruhn Ronnie Professor Emeritus Politics
Gu Claire Professor Emeritus Electrical and Computer Engineering
Guevara Daniel Professor Emeritus Philosophy
Guha Thakurta Raja Professor Astronomy and Astrophysics
Gurun Giulia Associate Teaching Professor Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Gustafson Irene Associate Professor Film and Digital Media
Guthaus Matthew Professor Computer Science and Engineering
Guthman Julie Professor Sociology
Gutierrez Kat Assistant Professor History
Guzman Viviana Lecturer Continuing Music
Gwyn Melissa Associate Professor Art
Haas Lisbeth Professor Emeritus History
Haber Howard Professor Emeritus Physics
Habicht Mauche Judith Professor Emeritus Anthropology
Haddad Brent Professor Environmental Studies
Hagen Joy Lecturer Continuing Rachel Carson College
Hagen Joy Lecturer Continuing Writing Program
Hain Mathis Associate Professor Earth & Planetary Sciences
Hale Galina Professor Economics
Halk Erica Lecturer Continuing Writing Program
Hamel Gildas Teaching Professor Emeritus History
Hamilton Charles Lecturer Continuing Music
Hamilton Roxi Lecturer Continuing Writing Program
Hamilton Roxi Senior Lecturer Continuing Writing Program
Hammack Phillip Professor Psychology
Hammond Nicol Associate Professor Music
Hance Michael Associate Professor Physics
Haney Craig Professor Psychology
Hankamer Jorge Professor Emeritus Linguistics
Haraway Donna Professor Emeritus History of Consciousness
Harding Susan Professor Emeritus Anthropology
Harrington David Professor Emeritus Psychology
Harris Yolande Assistant Teaching Professor Music
Harrison David Assistant Teaching Professor Computer Science and Engineering
Hartzog Grant Professor Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Hasan-Aslih Siwar Assistant Professor Psychology
Hausman Hannah Assistant Professor Psychology
Haussler David Professor Biomolecular Engineering
Hauter Ashwak Assistant Professor Anthropology
Hawthorne Camilla Associate Professor Critical Race & Ethnic Studies
Hawthorne Camilla Associate Professor Sociology
Hay John Professor Emeritus History of Art and Visual Culture
Heady Kristen Lecturer Continuing Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Heald Abigail Lecturer Continuing Literature
Heald Abigail Lecturer Continuing Stevenson College
Heckman Alma Associate Professor History
Hedrick Charles Professor Emeritus History
Helmbold David Professor Emeritus Computer Science and Engineering
Helmer Kimberly Teaching Professor Writing Program
Hendricks Dianne Associate Teaching Professor Biomolecular Engineering
Hendricks Margo Professor Emeritus Literature
Hernández Garavito Carla Assistant Professor Anthropology
Hershatter Gail Professor Emeritus History
Hester Karlton Professor Music
Hibbert-Jones Dee Professor Art
Hilberg Soleste Associate Teaching Professor Education
Hinck Lindsay Professor Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Hinegardner Ralph Professor Emeritus Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Hinz Philip Professor Astronomy and Astrophysics
Holl Karen Professor Environmental Studies
Hollander Eli Professor Emeritus Film and Digital Media
Holman Ted Professor Chemistry and Biochemistry
Hong Christine Professor Critical Race & Ethnic Studies
Hong Christine Professor Literature
Horne Jennifer Associate Professor Film and Digital Media
Hoshi Saori Assistant Professor Languages and Applied Linguistics
Houghton Edward Professor Emeritus Music
Hourigan Jeremy Professor Earth & Planetary Sciences
Hoversten Liv Assistant Professor Psychology
Hoy David Professor Emeritus Philosophy
Hu Chenyue Assistant Professor Economics
Hu Liting Assistant Professor Computer Science and Engineering
Hu Minghui Associate Professor History
Hughey Richard Professor Biomolecular Engineering
Hughey Richard Professor Computer Science and Engineering
Huh Tae Myung Assistant Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hull Akasha Professor Emeritus Feminist Studies
Hunnicutt Fred Professor Emeritus Art
Hunter Donna Professor Emeritus History of Art and Visual Culture
Hutchison Michael Professor Emeritus Economics
Hwang Hyesung Assistant Professor Psychology
Hyun Sangwon Assistant Professor Statistics
Ife Fahima Associate Professor Critical Race & Ethnic Studies
Illingworth Garth Professor Emeritus Astronomy and Astrophysics
Im Sungjin Associate Professor Computer Science and Engineering
Imara Nia Assistant Professor Astronomy and Astrophysics
Ioannidis Alex Assistant Professor Biomolecular Engineering
Ioannidis Nilah Assistant Professor Applied Mathematics
Irion Robert Teaching Professor Emeritus Science Communication
Irvine Erin Lecturer Continuing Music
Isaacson Michael Professor Emeritus Electrical and Computer Engineering
Isbister John Professor Emeritus Economics
Isbister Katherine Professor Computational Media
Ito Junko Professor Emeritus Linguistics
Jackson Jonathan Assistant Professor Art
Jankiewicz Kasia Assistant Professor Mathematics
Jansen Virginia Professor Emeritus History of Art and Visual Culture
Jeltema Tesla Professor Physics
Jensen-Clem Rebecca Associate Professor Astronomy and Astrophysics
Jibrin Rekia Assistant Professor Education
Jinnah Sikina Professor Environmental Studies
Johns Janet Lecturer Continuing Education
Johnson Robert Professor Physics
Johnstone Timothy Associate Professor Chemistry and Biochemistry
Jones Burt Professor Emeritus Astronomy and Astrophysics
Jones David Evan Professor Emeritus Music
Jones Kate Associate Professor History
Jones Kevin Associate Teaching Professor Economics
Jones Naya Assistant Professor Sociology
Jonsson Vanessa Assistant Professor Biomolecular Engineering
Jordan John Professor Emeritus Literature
Josephson Colleen Assistant Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering
Julien Isaac Professor Arts Division
Julien Isaac Professor History of Consciousness
Jullig Richard Lecturer Continuing Computer Science and Engineering
Jurica Melissa Professor Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Kamakaka Rohinton Professor Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Kamehiro Stacy Associate Professor History of Art and Visual Culture
Kamieniecki Sheldon Professor Emeritus Environmental Studies
Kang Sung-Mo Professor Emeritus Electrical and Computer Engineering
Kapuscinski Anne Professor Environmental Studies
Kara Selmin Acting Associate Professor Film and Digital Media
Kareem Jamila Associate Teaching Professor Writing Program
Karlic Karolina Associate Professor Art
Karplus Kevin Professor Emeritus Biomolecular Engineering
Kass Jesse Associate Professor Mathematics
Katznelson Yonatan Lecturer Continuing Applied Mathematics
Katznelson Yonatan Senior Lecturer Continuing Applied Mathematics
Katznelson Yonatan Lecturer Continuing Statistics
Katznelson Yonatan Senior Lecturer Continuing Statistics
Kawamoto Alan Professor Emeritus Psychology
Kay Kathleen Professor Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Kehler Edward Lecturer Continuing History
Kehler Edward Lecturer Continuing Stevenson College
Keilen Sean Professor Literature
Keliiaa Caitlin Assistant Professor History
Kelley Al Professor Emeritus Mathematics
Kelley Joanna Associate Professor Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Kellogg Doug Professor Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Kelly Jenny Associate Professor Critical Race & Ethnic Studies
Kelly Jenny Associate Professor Feminist Studies
Kenez Peter Professor Emeritus History
Kerstiens Geri Assistant Teaching Professor Chemistry and Biochemistry
Kiesling Bruce Associate Professor Music
Kikon Dolly Acting Professor Anthropology
Kilpatrick A. Marm Professor Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Kim Daniel Assistant Professor Biomolecular Engineering
Kim Euiseok Assistant Professor Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Kim Gueyon Assistant Professor Economics
Kim Hanna Acting Assistant Professor Psychology
Kim Hi Professor Music
Kim L S Associate Professor Film and Digital Media
Kimmey Jacqueline Assistant Professor Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology
King Robin Lecturer Continuing Oakes College
King Robin Senior Lecturer Continuing Writing Program
Kinoshita Sharon Professor Literature
Kissell René Assistant Professor Education
Klahn Norma Professor Emeritus Literature
Kletzer Kenneth Professor Economics
Kletzer Lori Professor Economics
Kliger Dave Professor Emeritus Chemistry and Biochemistry
Knisely Lindsay Lecturer Continuing Oakes College
Knisely Lindsay Lecturer Continuing Writing Program
Knittle Elise Professor Earth & Planetary Sciences
Kobayashi Nobuhiko Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering
Koch Paul Professor Earth & Planetary Sciences
Kolaitis Phokion Professor Emeritus Computer Science and Engineering
Kolla Alexandra Assistant Professor Computer Science and Engineering
Konopelski Joseph Professor Emeritus Chemistry and Biochemistry
Koo David Professor Emeritus Astronomy and Astrophysics
Kottas Athanasios Professor Statistics
Kramer Alejandra Lecturer Continuing Anthropology
Kreps Anne Associate Professor History
Kroeker Kristy Professor Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Kudela Raphe Professor Ocean Sciences
Kuper Lindsey Assistant Professor Computer Science and Engineering
Kurniawan Sri Professor Computational Media
Kyo Yi Yi Mon (Rosaline) Assistant Professor History of Art and Visual Culture
Ladusaw Bill Professor Emeritus Linguistics
Lain Stephanie Lecturer Continuing Languages and Applied Linguistics
Lam Phoebe Professor Ocean Sciences
Lamborg Carl Professor Ocean Sciences
Lanam Faith Lecturer Continuing Music
Landesman Edward Professor Emeritus Mathematics
Lane Ian Associate Professor Computer Science and Engineering
Lane-McKinley Madeline Lecturer Continuing Writing Program
Langdale G. Allan Senior Lecturer Continuing History of Art and Visual Culture
Langhout Regina Professor Psychology
Langridge Ruth Lecturer Continuing Legal Studies
Laporte Leo Professor Emeritus Earth & Planetary Sciences
Larive Cynthia Professor Chemistry and Biochemistry
Lariviere Ingrid Lecturer Continuing Porter College
Lariviere Ingrid Senior Lecturer Continuing Writing Program
Larkin Bruce Professor Emeritus Politics
Larrabee Tracy Professor Emeritus Computer Science and Engineering
Lashaw Amanda Lecturer Continuing Education
Lau David Lecturer Continuing College Nine
Lau Kimberly Professor Literature
Law Jess H.K. Assistant Professor Linguistics
Lay Chris Lecturer Continuing Environmental Studies
Lay Thorne Professor Emeritus Earth & Planetary Sciences
Lazo Rodrigo Professor Literature
Lazzati Natalia Associate Professor Economics
Leaños John Jota Professor Film and Digital Media
Leaper Campbell Professor Psychology
Leauthaud Alexie Associate Professor Astronomy and Astrophysics
Leboeuf Burney Professor Emeritus Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
LeBrón Marisol Associate Professor Critical Race & Ethnic Studies
LeBrón Marisol Associate Professor Feminist Studies
Lederman David Professor Physics
Lee Cynthia Ling Associate Professor Performance, Play and Design
Lee David Assistant Professor Computational Media
Lee Dongwook Professor Applied Mathematics
Lee Herbie Professor Statistics
Lee Jeremy Associate Teaching Professor Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Lee Jimin Professor Art
Lee Juhee Professor Statistics
Leicester Marshall Professor Emeritus Literature
Leikin Anatole Professor Emeritus Music
Leiva Fernando Professor Latin American and Latino Studies
Lesani Mohsen Associate Professor Computer Science and Engineering
Leslie Juliana Lecturer Continuing Kresge College
Letourneau Deborah Professor Emeritus Environmental Studies
Leung Michael Associate Professor Economics
Levine Bruce Professor Emeritus History
Levinson Robert Professor Emeritus Computer Science and Engineering
Levitow Jon Lecturer Continuing Languages and Applied Linguistics
Lewis Cynthia Professor Emeritus Education
Lewis Debra Professor Mathematics
Li Jessie Associate Professor Economics
Li Yat Professor Chemistry and Biochemistry
Li Zehang Assistant Professor Statistics
Limbrick Peter Professor Film and Digital Media
Lin Audrie Assistant Professor Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology
Lin Douglas Professor Emeritus Astronomy and Astrophysics
Lin Longzhi Professor Mathematics
Linger Daniel Professor Emeritus Anthropology
Lipschutz Ronnie Professor Emeritus Politics
Litz Heiner Associate Professor Computer Science and Engineering
Liu Yang Assistant Professor Computer Science and Engineering
Livermon Xavier Associate Professor Critical Race & Ethnic Studies
Locks Norman Professor Emeritus Art
Lodha Suresh Professor Emeritus Computer Science and Engineering
Loeffler Toby Senior Lecturer Continuing Writing Program
Loerch Sarah Assistant Professor Chemistry and Biochemistry
Loik Michael Professor Environmental Studies
Lokey Scott Professor Chemistry and Biochemistry
London Rebecca Professor Sociology
Lonetree Amy Professor History
Long Darrell Professor Emeritus Baskin Engineering
Longo Phil Lecturer Continuing Writing Program
Lopez Leslie Lecturer Continuing Oakes College
Lopez Vargas Kristian Acting Associate Professor Economics
Lord Chip Professor Emeritus Film and Digital Media
Lowe Todd Professor Biomolecular Engineering
Lu Flora Professor Environmental Studies
Lubeck Paul Professor Emeritus Sociology
Lund Robert Professor Statistics
Lunine Brij Lecturer Continuing Writing Program
Lusztig Irene Professor Film and Digital Media
Ly Boreth Associate Professor History of Art and Visual Culture
Lyon Bruce Professor Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Lyons Lauren Assistant Professor Philosophy
Mac Claren Kevin Lecturer Continuing Stevenson College
Macias-Muñoz Aide Assistant Professor Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Macintosh Bruce Professor Astronomy and Astrophysics
Mackey Nathaniel Professor Emeritus Literature
MacMillan John Professor Chemistry and Biochemistry
Madau Piero Professor Astronomy and Astrophysics
Magalhães Marina Assistant Professor Performance, Play and Design
Mahajan Nidhi Assistant Professor Anthropology
Majzler Robert Lecturer Continuing Psychology
Malan Roy Lecturer Continuing Music
Mallett Christopher Lecturer Continuing Music
Malone Sandra Lecturer Continuing Languages and Applied Linguistics
Manago Adriana Associate Professor Psychology
Manduchi Roberto Professor Computer Science and Engineering
Mangel Marc Professor Emeritus Applied Mathematics
Mantey Patrick Professor Emeritus Electrical and Computer Engineering
Margon Bruce Professor Emeritus Astronomy and Astrophysics
Marí­a Elena Dí­az Professor Emeritus History
Marinescu Razvan Assistant Professor Computer Science and Engineering
Marinovic Baldo Lecturer Continuing Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Marion Justin Professor Economics
Marriott David Professor Emeritus History of Consciousness
Marsh George Lecturer Continuing Music
Martin Daisy Lecturer Continuing Education
Martin Laura Lecturer Continuing Porter College
Martinez Carlos Assistant Professor Latin American and Latino Studies
Martinez Cinthya Assistant Professor Latin American and Latino Studies
Martinez Dr. Alma Professor Emeritus Performance, Play and Design
Martínez Ari Assistant Professor Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Martinez Leal Enrique Associate Professor Art
Martínez-Echazábal Lourdes Professor Emeritus Latin American and Latino Studies
Martinez-Galarce Marco Lecturer Continuing Porter College
Martinez-Iriarte Julian Assistant Professor Economics
Mascharak Pradip Professor Chemistry and Biochemistry
Mason Geoffrey Professor Emeritus Mathematics
Massaro Dominic Professor Emeritus Psychology
Massoud Mark Professor Politics
Mateas Michael Professor Computational Media
Matera Marc Professor History
Mathews Andrew Professor Anthropology
Mathiowetz Dean Associate Professor Politics
Matute-Bianchi Maria Professor Emeritus Education
Max Claire Professor Emeritus Astronomy and Astrophysics
Mayer Melanie Professor Emeritus Psychology
Mc Laughlin Barry Professor Emeritus Psychology
McCarthy Matthew Professor Ocean Sciences
Mccloskey Jim Professor Emeritus Linguistics
Mccullen Christie Lecturer Continuing Sociology
Mcdade Jennie Professor Emeritus Art
Mcdowell Charlie Professor Emeritus Computer Science and Engineering
McGuinness Aims Associate Professor History
Mcguire Grant Associate Professor Linguistics
McGuire Steve Assistant Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering
McKay Steve Professor Sociology
Mckinnie Shaun Assistant Professor Chemistry and Biochemistry
McNamara Megan Lecturer Continuing Sociology
Mehta Rita Professor Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Meininger Aaron Lecturer Continuing Economics
Meister Robert Professor Social Sciences Division
Menendez David Assistant Professor Psychology
Menna Barreto Jorge Assistant Professor Art
Mercer Jaron Assistant Professor Chemistry and Biochemistry
Merchant Tanya Associate Professor Music
Mester Armin Professor Emeritus Linguistics
Michaillat Pascal Associate Professor Economics
Michals Sarah Lecturer Continuing Writing Program
Miga Karen Associate Professor Biomolecular Engineering
Miles Gary Professor Emeritus History
Miljkovic Nada Lecturer Continuing Crown College
Miller Ethan Professor Emeritus Computer Science and Engineering
Miller Joseph Professor Emeritus Astronomy and Astrophysics
Miller Kyle Assistant Professor Baskin Engineering
Miller Leta Professor Emeritus Music
Miller Robert Professor Emeritus Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Miller Timothy Lecturer Continuing Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Millhauser Glenn Professor Chemistry and Biochemistry
Millman Marcia Professor Emeritus Sociology
Milutinovic Dejan Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering
Mitchell Katharyne Professor Sociology
Mitchell Nick Associate Professor Critical Race & Ethnic Studies
Mitchell Nick Associate Professor Feminist Studies
Mogannam Jennifer Assistant Professor Critical Race & Ethnic Studies
Monaghan Sean Lecturer Continuing Art
Monard François Associate Professor Mathematics
Monroe J. Cameron Professor Anthropology
Monsen Katie Lecturer Continuing Environmental Studies
Monsen Katie Lecturer Continuing Rachel Carson College
Montazeri Niloofar Assistant Teaching Professor Computer Science and Engineering
Montenegro Maywa Assistant Professor Environmental Studies
Montgomery Richard Professor Emeritus Mathematics
Moodie Megan Associate Professor Anthropology
Moore Andrew Professor Ocean Sciences
Morales-Almazan Pedro Associate Teaching Professor Mathematics
Moreno Alli Assistant Professor Ocean Sciences
Morse Jaimie Assistant Professor Sociology
Moschkovich Judit Professor Education
Mosqueda Eduardo Associate Professor Education
Mota Thiago Assistant Professor History
Moulds Gerald Lecturer Continuing Computer Science and Engineering
Mumma Gordon Professor Emeritus Music
Murray Derek Professor History of Art and Visual Culture
Murray Soraya Associate Professor Film and Digital Media
Murray-Clay Ruth Professor Astronomy and Astrophysics
Murty Madhavi Acting Associate Professor Sociology
Musacchio John Professor Computer Science and Engineering
Najera-Ramirez Olga Professor Emeritus Anthropology
Narath Albert Associate Professor History of Art and Visual Culture
Narayan Onuttom Professor Physics
Naru Akua Assistant Professor Music
Nash Mark Professor Arts Division
Nash Mark Professor History of Consciousness
Nath Sagnik Assistant Teaching Professor Computer Science and Engineering
Neu Jerome Professor Emeritus Humanities Division
Neuman Dard Associate Professor Music
Newberry Ellen Lecturer Continuing Writing Program
Newberry Todd Professor Emeritus Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Nichols Robert Professor History of Consciousness
Nichols Shawn Lecturer Continuing Politics
Niedzwiecki Sara Associate Professor Politics
Nielsen Jason Professor Physics
Nimmo Francis Professor Earth & Planetary Sciences
Niumeitolu Fuifuilupe Assistant Professor Critical Race & Ethnic Studies
Noller Harry Professor Emeritus Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Nygaard Loisa Professor Emeritus Literature
Obraczka Katia Professor Computer Science and Engineering
Ocampo-Peñuela Natalia Assistant Professor Environmental Studies
Ochoa Marcia Associate Professor Critical Race & Ethnic Studies
Ochoa Marcia Associate Professor Performance, Play and Design
Oelze Vicky Associate Professor Anthropology
Ogawa Rodney Professor Emeritus Education
O'hara Matt Professor History
Okamoto Shigeko Professor Emeritus Languages and Applied Linguistics
Oliver Scott Professor Chemistry and Biochemistry
Olsen Brad Professor Emeritus Education
O'malley Greg Professor History
Orlandi Nico Professor Philosophy
Orlando David Associate Teaching Professor Emeritus Languages and Applied Linguistics
Ortiz Leo Professor Emeritus Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Otte Ric Professor Emeritus Philosophy
Ottemann Karen Professor Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology
Owen Steve Lecturer Continuing Economics
Padgett Jaye Professor Linguistics
Paiement Nicole Professor Emeritus Music
Palkovacs Eric Professor Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Palmer Laurie Professor Art
Pan Jiayin Assistant Professor Mathematics
Pancheva Roumyana Professor Linguistics
Pandey Annapurna Lecturer Continuing Anthropology
Pandey Triloki Professor Emeritus Anthropology
Pang Alex Professor Computer Science and Engineering
Papadopoulos Dimitris Professor History of Consciousness
Parker Ingrid Professor Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Parker Jennifer Professor Art
Parker Paul Assistant Professor Statistics
Parmeter Sarah-Hope Senior Lecturer Continuing Writing Program
Parry Kyle Associate Professor History of Art and Visual Culture
Parsa Christina Lecturer Continuing Computer Science and Engineering
Parsa Leila Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering
Partch Carrie Professor Chemistry and Biochemistry
Pasotti Eleonora Professor Politics
Patel Shankari Lecturer Continuing Latin American and Latino Studies
Paten Benedict Professor Biomolecular Engineering
Patnode Michael Assistant Professor Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology
Patton Gary Lecturer Continuing Legal Studies
Paytan Adina Professor Earth & Planetary Sciences
Peacock Laurel Lecturer Continuing Porter College
Pearlman Cid Lecturer Continuing Performance, Play and Design
Pease-Alvarez Lucinda Professor Emeritus Education
Pedrotti Ken Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering
Pedroza Juan Associate Professor Sociology
Pepper James Professor Emeritus Environmental Studies
Perera Nirshan Lecturer Continuing Writing Program
Perez Justin Assistant Professor Latin American and Latino Studies
Pérez Ariel Lecturer Continuing Languages and Applied Linguistics
Perks Micah Professor Literature
Petersen Stephen Associate Teaching Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering
Pettigrew Thomas Professor Emeritus Psychology
Pham Josephine Assistant Professor Education
Philpott Stacy Professor Environmental Studies
Pico Tamara Assistant Professor Earth & Planetary Sciences
Pinho Patricia Professor Latin American and Latino Studies
Pinsky Malin Associate Professor Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Pittermann Jarmila Professor Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Poblete Juan Professor Literature
Pogson Grant Professor Emeritus Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Pohl Ira Professor Emeritus Computer Science and Engineering
Polecritti Cynthia Professor Emeritus History
Polissar Pratigya Professor Ocean Sciences
Polito Michael Associate Professor Ocean Sciences
Polzak Kailani Assistant Professor History of Art and Visual Culture
Pommerenke Kai Lecturer Continuing Economics
Poodry Clifton Professor Emeritus Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Porter Eric Professor History
Porter Eric Professor History of Consciousness
Potts Donald Professor Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Pourmand Nader Professor Biomolecular Engineering
Prado Raquel Professor Statistics
Pratkanis Anthony Professor Emeritus Psychology
Pratorius Gómez Chris Lecturer Continuing Music
Prelinger Rick Professor Emeritus Film and Digital Media
Prencipe Toni Lecturer Continuing Languages and Applied Linguistics
Press Daniel Professor Emeritus Environmental Studies
Primack Joel Professor Emeritus Physics
Prochaska J. Xavier Professor Astronomy and Astrophysics
Profumo Stefano Professor Physics
Pudup Mary Beth Professor Emeritus Sociology
Puig de la Bellacasa Maria Acting Professor History of Consciousness
Pullum Geoffrey Professor Emeritus Linguistics
Qian Chen Professor Computer Science and Engineering
Qing Jie Professor Mathematics
Quinn Andrew Assistant Professor Computer Science and Engineering
Quintana Morales Eréndira Assistant Professor Anthropology
Rahal Danny Assistant Professor Psychology
Raila Hannah Assistant Teaching Professor Psychology
Raimondi Pete Professor Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Rajan Ravi Professor Environmental Studies
Ramirez Arthur Professor Physics
Ramirez Catherine Professor Latin American and Latino Studies
Ramirez Renya Professor Anthropology
Ramirez-Ruiz Enrico Professor Astronomy and Astrophysics
Raskatov Jevgenij Associate Professor Chemistry and Biochemistry
Ratiu Tudor Professor Emeritus Mathematics
Ravelo Christina Professor Ocean Sciences
Read Benjamin Professor Politics
Reardon Jenny Professor Sociology
Reguero Borja Acting Associate Professor Physical & Biological Sciences Division
Reigh Emily Assistant Professor Education
Reinarman Craig Professor Emeritus Sociology
Renau Jose Professor Computer Science and Engineering
Reti Jay Assistant Teaching Professor Anthropology
Rexach Michael Professor Emeritus Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Rezki Zouheir Associate Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering
Rich B. Ruby Professor Emeritus Film and Digital Media
Richards Alan Professor Emeritus Environmental Studies
Richmond Dustin Assistant Professor Computer Science and Engineering
Rifaqat Zeb Lecturer Continuing Stevenson College
Riley Alicia Assistant Professor Sociology
Ringland Kate Assistant Professor Computational Media
Ritz Steven Professor Physics
Rivas Cecilia Associate Professor Latin American and Latino Studies
Rizzo-Martinez Martin Assistant Professor Film and Digital Media
Robertson Brant Professor Astronomy and Astrophysics
Robertson Kyle Lecturer Continuing Philosophy
Robinson Forrest Professor Emeritus Humanities Division
Robinson Jonathan Professor Economics
Roby Pamela Professor Emeritus Sociology
Rockosi Connie Professor Astronomy and Astrophysics
Rodríguez Russell Assistant Professor Music
Rodriguez-Montero Pamela Assistant Professor Performance, Play and Design
Rofel Lisa Professor Emeritus Anthropology
Rogoff Barbara Professor Psychology
Rohmer Carine Lecturer Continuing Languages and Applied Linguistics
Rolandi Marco Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering
Rollins LisaMarie Assistant Professor Performance, Play and Design
Romero Matthew Assistant Professor Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Roos Norvid Professor Emeritus Performance, Play and Design
Roper Richard Lecturer Continuing Music
Roth Paul Professor Emeritus Philosophy
Rubin Seth Professor Chemistry and Biochemistry
Ruiz Susana Associate Professor Film and Digital Media
Ruotolo Vanessa Lecturer Continuing Music
Russell Shelbi Assistant Professor Biomolecular Engineering
Rutherford Danilyn Professor Emeritus Anthropology
Ruvalcaba Christian Assistant Professor Languages and Applied Linguistics
Rysling Amanda Associate Professor Linguistics
Sack Warren Professor Film and Digital Media
Sadjadpour Hamid Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering
Saha Subhra Lecturer Continuing Economics
Sahota Guriqbal Singh Associate Professor Literature
Saijo Hikaru Associate Professor Economics
Salama Sofie Acting Professor Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Saltikov Chad Professor Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology
Samaha Jason Associate Professor Psychology
Samaniego De La Parra Brenda Assistant Professor Economics
Samuels Jessica Lecturer Continuing Stevenson College
Sanchez Laura Associate Professor Chemistry and Biochemistry
Sanders Beren Associate Professor Mathematics
Sanders-Self Melissa Lecturer Continuing Literature
Sanfelice Ricardo Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering
Sanfilippo Brenda Lecturer Continuing Writing Program
Sanford Jeremy Professor Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Sanford Sarah Assistant Teaching Professor Art
Sansó Bruno Professor Statistics
Santos Dorothy Assistant Teaching Professor Art
Sarker Pallab Assistant Professor Environmental Studies
Savage Heather Professor Earth & Planetary Sciences
Saxton Bill Professor Emeritus Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Schaefer Neil Lecturer Continuing Rachel Carson College
Schaeffer Felicity Professor Critical Race & Ethnic Studies
Schaeffer Felicity Professor Feminist Studies
Schechter John Professor Emeritus Music
Scheie Daniel Professor Emeritus Performance, Play and Design
Schilz Lisa Lecturer Continuing Writing Program
Schlag Martine Professor Emeritus Computer Science and Engineering
Schlesinger Zack Professor Emeritus Physics
Schmidt Holger Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering
Schneider Tsim Associate Professor Anthropology
Schoenholzer David Assistant Professor Economics
Schoenman Roger Associate Professor Politics
Schonbek Maria Professor Emeritus Mathematics
Schumaker Matthew Assistant Professor Music
Schumm Bruce Professor Physics
Schwartz Susan Professor Emeritus Earth & Planetary Sciences
Scott Judith Professor Emeritus Education
Scott Peter Professor Emeritus Physics
Scott William Professor Chemistry and Biochemistry
Seeger Andrea Lecturer Continuing Oakes College
Seiden Abraham Professor Emeritus Physics
Seif El-Nasr Magy Professor Computational Media
Selden Daniel Professor Emeritus Literature
Serres Thomas Assistant Professor Politics
Seth Vanita Associate Professor Politics
Seto Katherine Associate Professor Environmental Studies
Seymour Travis Professor Psychology
Shaghoulian Edgar Assistant Professor Physics
Shaikh Juned Associate Professor History
Shange Savannah Associate Professor Anthropology
Shanken Edward Professor Arts Division
Shanks James Lecturer Continuing Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Shapiro Beth Professor Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Shapiro Helen Professor Emeritus Sociology
Sharf Tal Assistant Professor Biomolecular Engineering
Shariati Ali Assistant Professor Biomolecular Engineering
Sharma Kriti Assistant Professor Critical Race & Ethnic Studies
Sharma Upasna Assistant Professor Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Shastry Sriram Professor Physics
Shaw Carolyn Professor Emeritus Anthropology
Shaw Jerome Professor Emeritus Education
Shearer Heather Teaching Professor Writing Program
Shennan Carol Professor Emeritus Environmental Studies
Shenoy Ajay Associate Professor Economics
Sher Alexander Professor Physics
Shimizu Celine Parreñas Professor Film and Digital Media
Sichel Ivy Professor Linguistics
Sikandar Shaheen Assistant Professor Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Silva Denise Lecturer Continuing Writing Program
Silva Denise Senior Lecturer Continuing Writing Program
Silver Eli Professor Emeritus Earth & Planetary Sciences
Silver Kiva Lecturer Continuing History
Silver Kiva Senior Lecturer Continuing Stevenson College
Silver Kiva Lecturer Continuing Writing Program
Silver Mary Professor Emeritus Ocean Sciences
Simons Julie Associate Teaching Professor Applied Mathematics
Sinclair Emily Lecturer Continuing Music
Singaram Bakthan Professor Emeritus Chemistry and Biochemistry
Singh Nirvikar Professor Economics
Sizemore Anne Assistant Teaching Professor Chemistry and Biochemistry
Skemer Andrew Professor Astronomy and Astrophysics
Skenazy Paul Professor Emeritus Literature
Skrajna Aleksandra Assistant Professor Chemistry and Biochemistry
Sloan Lisa Professor Emeritus Earth & Planetary Sciences
Smith Adam Associate Professor Computational Media
Smith Amanda Associate Professor Literature
Smith David Professor Physics
Smith Don Professor Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology
Smith Graeme Professor Astronomy and Astrophysics
Snickars Eric Lecturer Continuing Legal Studies
Solt Susan Professor Performance, Play and Design
Sorensen Tyler Assistant Professor Computer Science and Engineering
Soussloff Cathy Professor Emeritus History of Art and Visual Culture
Souza Abel Assistant Professor Computer Science and Engineering
Spafford Roz Associate Teaching Professor Emeritus Writing Program
Sparke Matt Professor Politics
Spearot Alan Professor Economics
Springer Melanie Associate Professor Politics
Stamp Shelley Professor Film and Digital Media
Steadmon Weishi Associate Professor Economics
Stein-Rosen Galia Lecturer Continuing Languages and Applied Linguistics
Stephens Beth Professor Art
Stoddart Trish Professor Emeritus Education
Stoller Nancy Professor Emeritus Community Studies
Stone Abe Associate Professor Philosophy
Stone Michael Professor Chemistry and Biochemistry
Storm Benjamin Professor Psychology
Strome Susan Professor Emeritus Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Stuart Josh Professor Biomolecular Engineering
Su Norman Associate Professor Computational Media
Suckiel Ellen Professor Emeritus Philosophy
Suh Junecue Professor Mathematics
Sullivan Elaine Associate Professor History
Sullivan William Professor Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Sumarna Undang Teaching Professor Emeritus Music
Sundara Raman Ram Acting Assistant Professor Computer Science and Engineering
Swanger David Professor Emeritus Education
Sweet David Professor Emeritus History
Swensen Elizabeth Associate Professor Performance, Play and Design
Switkes Gene Professor Emeritus Chemistry and Biochemistry
Sylvan Marshall Associate Teaching Professor Emeritus Mathematics
Syzranov Sergey Associate Professor Physics
Szasz Andrew Professor Emeritus Environmental Studies
Taft Jessica Professor Latin American and Latino Studies
Tait Kira Assistant Professor Politics
Taiz Lincoln Professor Emeritus Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Takagi Dana Professor Emeritus Sociology
Tamanoi Hirotaka Professor Mathematics
Tamkun John Professor Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Tan Paulo Assistant Professor Education
Tanner Michael Professor Emeritus Computer Science and Engineering
Tantalo Patrick Lecturer Continuing Computer Science and Engineering
Taylor Jennifer Professor Film and Digital Media
Tchamni Avi Lecturer Continuing Music
Tellez Kip Professor Education
Telus Myriam Associate Professor Earth & Planetary Sciences
Teodorescu Mircea Associate Professor Biomolecular Engineering
Teodorescu Mircea Associate Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering
Terdiman Richard Professor Emeritus Literature
Terhaar Terry Lecturer Continuing Writing Program
Thangavelu Kirtana Lecturer Continuing History of Art and Visual Culture
Thomas David Professor Emeritus Politics
Thomas Megan Associate Professor Politics
Thompson Bruce Lecturer Continuing History
Thompson Bruce Lecturer Continuing Literature
Thompson John Professor Emeritus Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Thorne Avril Professor Emeritus Psychology
Thorpe Todd Lecturer Continuing Cowell College
Tobisch Othmar Professor Emeritus Earth & Planetary Sciences
Tomba Massimiliano Professor History of Consciousness
Toosarvandani Maziar Professor Linguistics
Traugott Mark Professor Emeritus History
Treadwell Nina Professor Music
Tromba Anthony Professor Mathematics
Tseng Jennifer Associate Professor Literature
Tserenjigmid Gerelt Assistant Professor Economics
Tsing Anna Professor Anthropology
Tułaczyk Sławek Professor Earth & Planetary Sciences
Tuna Hande Assistant Professor Philosophy
Turk-Kubo Kendra Assistant Professor Ocean Sciences
Turner-Evans Dan Assistant Professor Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Ty M. Assistant Professor Critical Race & Ethnic Studies
Tziavelis Nikolaos Acting Assistant Professor Computer Science and Engineering
Ulysse Gina Professor Humanities Division
Urban Michael Professor Emeritus Politics
V. Natasha Lecturer Continuing Film and Digital Media
Valdez Kinan Lecturer Continuing Performance, Play and Design
Van Gelder Allen Professor Computer Science and Engineering
Vandercook Hayley Lecturer Continuing Education
Varma Anujan Professor Emeritus Computer Science and Engineering
Vaske Olena Associate Professor Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Vazquez Gustavo Professor Film and Digital Media
Velasco Jr. Jairo Associate Professor Physics
Venturi Daniele Professor Applied Mathematics
Verma Anjuli Assistant Professor Politics
Vesecky John Professor Emeritus Electrical and Computer Engineering
Vidali Amy Associate Teaching Professor Writing Program
Villacorta Alonso Assistant Professor Economics
Vogler Thomas Professor Emeritus Literature
Vogt Steven Professor Emeritus Astronomy and Astrophysics
Vollmer Susan Lecturer Continuing Music
Vollmers Christopher Professor Biomolecular Engineering
Wagers Matt Professor Linguistics
Walker Marilyn Professor Emeritus Computer Science and Engineering
Walker Merle Professor Emeritus Astronomy and Astrophysics
Walker Rachel Professor Linguistics
Walsh Carl Professor Emeritus Economics
Wang Hongyun Professor Applied Mathematics
Wang Howard Professor Emeritus Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Wang Su-Hua Professor Psychology
Wang Xiao Assistant Professor Chemistry and Biochemistry
Wang Xin Eric Assistant Professor Computer Science and Engineering
Wang Yiman Professor Film and Digital Media
Wang Zhu Professor Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Warburton Edward (Ted) Professor Performance, Play and Design
Ward Jordan Associate Professor Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Wardrip-Fruin Noah Professor Computational Media
Warmuth Manfred Professor Emeritus Computer Science and Engineering
Warren Michael Professor Emeritus Literature
Wasserstrom Dick Professor Emeritus Philosophy
Waterhouse Hannah Assistant Professor Environmental Studies
Watrous Susan Lecturer Continuing Kresge College
Watrous Susan Lecturer Continuing Rachel Carson College
Watts Lewis Professor Emeritus Art
Wear Rebecca Assistant Professor Performance, Play and Design
Weems Marianne Professor Performance, Play and Design
Wei Dong Assistant Professor Economics
Weissman Martin Professor Mathematics
West Candace Professor Emeritus Sociology
West Jeremy Associate Professor Economics
Westerkamp Lynn Professor History
Whipple Grant Assistant Teaching Professor Art
Whitehead Jim Professor Computational Media
Whittaker Steve Professor Emeritus Computational Media
Whitworth Paul Professor Emeritus Performance, Play and Design
Wiberg Donald Professor Emeritus Electrical and Computer Engineering
Wilkes John Teaching Professor Emeritus Science Communication
Willey Sheila Lecturer Continuing Music
Williams Don Teaching Professor Performance, Play and Design
Williams Quentin Professor Earth & Planetary Sciences
Williams Terrie Professor Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Williams, Ph.D. James Gordon Assistant Professor Music
Williamson Stanley Professor Emeritus Chemistry and Biochemistry
Wilmers Christopher Professor Environmental Studies
Wilson Carter Professor Emeritus Community Studies
Wilson James Associate Teaching Professor Emeritus Writing Program
Wilson Meg Professor Emeritus Psychology
Wilson Rob Sean Professor Literature
Wilson Ronaldo Professor Critical Race & Ethnic Studies
Wilson Ronaldo Professor Literature
Winant William Lecturer Continuing Music
Winther Rasmus Professor Humanities Division
Winton Scott Assistant Professor Environmental Studies
Wipke Todd Professor Emeritus Chemistry and Biochemistry
Wirls Daniel Professor Politics
Wittman Donald Professor Emeritus Economics
Wolf Alexander Professor Computer Science and Engineering
Wong Tiffany Lecturer Continuing Writing Program
Woo Deborah Professor Emeritus Community Studies
Woosley Stanford Professor Emeritus Astronomy and Astrophysics
WouldGo Tanner Teaching Professor Writing Program
Wu Ting Ting Lecturer Continuing Languages and Applied Linguistics
Xie Cihang Assistant Professor Computer Science and Engineering
Xu Yuanchao Assistant Professor Computer Science and Engineering
Yager David Professor Emeritus Art
Yamamoto Naoko Lecturer Continuing Languages and Applied Linguistics
Yamashiro Jeremy Associate Professor Psychology
Yamashita Karen Tei Professor Emeritus Literature
Yan Aiming Assistant Professor Physics
Yang Alice Professor History
Yang Bo Assistant Teaching Professor Environmental Studies
Yang Chia-Lin Lecturer Continuing Music
Yanik A. Ali Associate Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering
Ye Hao Assistant Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering
Yeh Andy Assistant Professor Biomolecular Engineering
Yellin Joel Professor Emeritus Physical & Biological Sciences Division
Yildiz Fitnat Professor Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology
Yonge Chris Lecturer Continuing Computational Media
Young Gary Senior Lecturer Continuing Cowell College
Young Gary Senior Lecturer Continuing Literature
Young Peter Professor Emeritus Physics
Yu Zhicong Assistant Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering
Yue Hao Associate Teaching Professor Computer Science and Engineering
Yukawa Keiko Lecturer Continuing Languages and Applied Linguistics
Zachos James Professor Emeritus Earth & Planetary Sciences
Zahler Alan Professor Emeritus Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Zajac Jack Professor Emeritus Art
Zaustinsky Julia Professor Emeritus Music
Zavaleta Erika Professor Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Zavella Pat Professor Emeritus Latin American and Latino Studies
Zehr Jonathan Professor Emeritus Ocean Sciences
Zhang Jin Professor Chemistry and Biochemistry
Zhang Xi Professor Earth & Planetary Sciences
Zhang Yi Professor Computer Science and Engineering
Zhang Yu Assistant Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering
Zhou Yuyin Assistant Professor Computer Science and Engineering
Zihlman Adrienne Professor Emeritus Anthropology
Zimmer Zac Associate Professor Literature
Zucker Ariel Assistant Professor Economics
Zúñiga Martha Professor Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Zuo Yi Professor Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Zurbriggen Eileen Professor Psychology
Zyzik Eve Professor Languages and Applied Linguistics