Grade Point Average (GPA)

Undergraduates have a UCSC cumulative grade point average calculated from UCSC courses, courses taken through the Education Abroad Program, and courses taken at another UC campus as part of the Intercampus Visitor Program.

A grade point average is determined by dividing the number of grade points earned by the number of credits attempted for a letter grade. In calculating your UCSC GPA, the interim grades IP and I are not included in the computation because you do not earn those credits until they are replaced with a final grade. (However, when checking for your progress towards satisfying the 2.0 UC GPA requirement for graduation, these interim grades are included and counted as courses with grade F [or NP]).

If you repeat a course in which you have received a C-, D+, D, D-, or F, only the last grade recorded shall be computed in your GPA for the first 15 credits of repeated work. After the 15 credit maximum is reached, the GPA will be based on all grades assigned and total credits attempted.

Undergraduates who entered UCSC for the first time in or after fall 1997 and before fall 2001 have a UCSC cumulative grade point average only if they have elected letter grades in at least two-thirds of the cumulative credits attempted. Undergraduates who entered UCSC prior to fall 1997 cannot have an official UCSC grade point average calculated.