Lecture/lab combinations count as one course.
AM 30 and MATH 23A are alternatives; only one or the other, whichever is completed first, can count toward the six courses.
AM 10 and MATH 21 are alternatives; only one or the other, whichever is completed first can count toward the six courses.
AM 20 and MATH 24 are alternatives; only one or the other, whichever is completed first can count toward the six courses.
CSE 13E and CSE 13S are alternatives; only one or the other, whichever is completed first, can count toward the six courses.
PHYS 5A and PHYS 5L are alternatives to PHYS 6A and PHYS 6L; only one or the other can count toward the six courses.
PHYS 5C and PHYS 5N are alternatives to PHYS 6C and PHYS 6N; only one or the other can count toward the six courses.
The cumulative GPA should be at least 2.3 in all of the courses attempted from the list above regardless of whether the course is one of the six used to qualify.
Students entering UC Santa Cruz by fall 2020 and students who have catalog rights to follow the 2018-19 catalog may follow the screening requirements published in that catalog.
Students who wish to graduate in two years are strongly recommended to complete eight courses from the above list before coming to UC Santa Cruz.