Course Catalog

French and Francophone Studies (BA)

Program Requirements

The major consists of at least 32 semester hours of advanced language, literature, and civilization courses, including 20 semester hours of core requirements. Students are encouraged to improve their language skills through study abroad. They can count up to 16 credits of coursework towards the French and Francophone Studies major taken in one of the approved study-abroad programs. Upon return from study- abroad, students are expected to complete at least 4 credits towards the major at Simmons. Otherwise, students are expected to take all classes for the major at Simmons with the possibility of transferring courses by petition and only in cases of extreme hardship. The department reserves the right to deny a transfer of credit from any institution, including Colleges of the Fenway offerings.

Eight semester hours of advanced work in language

FREN 202Intermediate French II


FREN 245Conversation and Composition


Four semester hours of Francophone civilizations, selected from:

FREN 310Inside France: Studies in French Culture


FREN 311Contemporary Issues in France


FREN 314Topics in French and Francophone Cinema


FREN 316Outside France: Perspectives from the French Speaking World


Four semester hours of introduction to Francophone literature:

FREN 265Francophone Short Stories


FREN 266The Quest for Identity: The Self and The Other in the French Literary Tradition


Eight semester hours of advanced work in language, literature and culture, selected from:

FREN 322French Theater: the Actor & the Script


FREN 326The City As Text: Paris and Its Literary Representations


FREN 395Seminar: Special Topics in French


Eight semester hours of elective courses in language, literature, or civilization.

Students beginning the sequence for the major at the 245 level must still complete a total number of 32 credits.

Recommendations: Proficiency in a second modern language beyond the intermediate level is strongly recommended for all French and Francophone Studies majors.

Capstone experience:

Majors in French and Francophone Studies will start fulfilling the capstone requirement by taking a 300 level literature or civilization course either during their junior year or Fall semester of their senior year. After taking the class, students will write a research paper in the language studied, and give a formal presentation to faculty and students in the Department

Honor Society

Outstanding students in French and Francophone Studies may be named to Pi Delta Phi, the National French Honor Society, through the Simmons University Chapter, Pi Mu, established in 2018.