Course Catalog

SW 598 Leadership Development in Anti-Violence Work: S. Schecter Social Action Seminar

Collaboratively sponsored by the Family Violence Prevention Fund, The Susan Schechter Leadership Development Fellowship and Simmons School of Social Work, this interdisciplinary seminar is open, with consent of the instructor, to graduate students from any school at Simmons. We encourage those with experience and interest in the fields of domestic violence and child abuse to register. We will study the movement to end violence against women and its connections to issues of race and poverty. Students will identify emerging issues relevant to their work and develop an action project, doing some independent library and field research. Our leadership model is based on the work of Susan Schechter, a feminist pioneer in the anti-violence movement. Through the Family Violence Prevention Fund, we will have access to a network of national leaders in the anti-violence movement. This course meets the requirement for a social action course.



