Course Catalog

SW 390 Social Work Senior Seminar

Designed as the capstone experience for the BSW Program, this course is taken in the final semester (spring) of the senior year and follows a weekly seminar format. It focuses on the integration of theory and practice and provides the student with the opportunity to select and explore special topics and participate in social work community events that supplement, correlate, and synthesize the content presented throughout the social work curriculum sequence. It combines the in-class review of social work course material with critical analysis of social work practice methods, social justice concerns, and policy issues. In addition, the seminar is intentionally designed to help the student to reflect upon their social work educational journey, articulate professional strengths and needs, and identify a lifelong plan for learning and growth. Over the course of the semester, students examine their own professional identity, complete advanced level readings, and participate in in-depth discussion and class presentations. Finally, each student completes a Social Work Senior Project, which is designed to demonstrate the student's mastery of the Program's Core Competencies.



