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2019-2020 Undergraduate Course Catalog
Undergraduate Courses
ENGL - English
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Undergraduate Courses
AADM - Arts Administration
ACCT - Accounting
ART - Art
ASL - American Sign Language
AST - Africana Studies
BEHV - Behavior Analysis
BEHVO - Behavioral Analysis Online
BIOL - Biology
BOS - Boston Course
BUS - Business
CHEM - Chemistry
CHIN - Chinese
CHL - Children's Lit.
COMM - Communications
CS - Computer Science
DABA - Doctorate of ABA
DPT - Doctor of Physical Therapy
EAS - East Asian Studies
ECON - Economics
EDUC - Education
ENGL - English
ENVI - Environmental Forum
EXSC - Exercise Science
FREN - French
GCS - Gender Cultural Studies
GEDUC - Grad General Educ
HIST - History
HON - Honors Courses
HPED - CAGS Health Professions Educ
HUM - Humanities
IDS - Interdisciplinary Studies
INRL - Intl Relations
ITAL - Italian
IT - Information Technology
JAPN - Japanese
LCIS - Learn. Comm. Integ. Sem.
LDR - Leadership
LIS - Library Science
MATH - Mathematics
MBAO - MBA Online
MGMT - Management
MHEO - Public Health Online
ML - Modern Languages
MUS - Music
NB - Neuroscience & Behavior
NURP - Nursing Practice
NURS - Nursing
NUTR - Nutrition
PB - Psychobiology
PHIL - Philosophy
PH - Public Health
PHYS - Physics
POLS - Political Science
PSYC - Psychology
PT - Physical Therapy
RDG - Reading: Lang.& Lit. Program
SIM - Simmons Course
SJ - Social Justice
SNHS - School Nursing & Health Scienc
SOCI - Sociology
SONL - Simmons Online
SPAN - Spanish
SPND - Special Needs Educ
STAT - Statistics
SWO - Social Work Online
SW - Social Work
WGST - Women's & Gender Studies
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ENGL - English
ENGL 105
Creative Writing: Non-Fiction
ENGL 107
Creative Writing: Fiction
ENGL 109
Creative Writing: Poetry
ENGL 110
Invitation to Literature
ENGL 111
Greek Mythology and Religion
ENGL 112
Poetry and Passion in the Bible
ENGL 121
Love, Death, and Fantasy inýShakespeare's Plays
ENGL 124
Narrative & Medicine
ENGL 126
Magic, Fantasy, and the Origins of Literature
ENGL 138
Invitation to Poetry
ENGL 139
Modern Poetry
ENGL 155
Literature & Lies
ENGL 161
American Literature to the Civil War
ENGL 162
Constituting Americans: US Literature, 1865-1900
ENGL 166
Piratical Stories
ENGL 168
Crime Literature
ENGL 172
20th Century U.S. Fiction
ENGL 176
African American Fiction
ENGL 178
Intersectional Identities in US Literature
ENGL 179
Human Rights and Global Literature
ENGL 184
Performance and Politics on the Global Stage
ENGL 193
Gender and Power in Literature
ENGL 195
Art of Film
ENGL 199
Approaches to Literature
ENGL 200
Introduction to Theory
ENGL 205
Creative Writing: Memoir
ENGL 207
Fiction Workshop
ENGL 210
Creative Writing; Theory and Practice
ENGL 211
From Alice to Eeyore
ENGL 214
The Invented Self in 20th and 21st Century U.S. Fiction
ENGL 221
The Critical Lens: Introduction to Film and Media Theory
ENGL 223
New Literary Topics
ENGL 231
English Literature of the 17th Century
ENGL 232
English Literature of the 17th Century
ENGL 235
Identity and Race in American Literature
ENGL 242
Satire and Self-Consciousness in Eighteenth Century Literature
ENGL 243
English Novel Through Austen
ENGL 254
The English Novel from Victorians to Moderns
ENGL 265
Modern(ist) Women
ENGL 275
Literature of the Jazz Age
ENGL 304
Problems in Romantic Literature: The Romantic Rebel
ENGL 306
Victorian Literature and Culture
ENGL 307
Jane Austen and Her Contemporaries
ENGL 308
Global Novel
ENGL 310
Advanced Creative Writing Workshop
ENGL 312
Classic American Writers
ENGL 316
Native American Literature
ENGL 317
Toni Morrison Seminar
ENGL 320
American Women Poets
ENGL 321
Studies in Shakespeare
ENGL 323
Special Topics in Literature
ENGL 326
Medieval and Renaissance Literature
ENGL 327
Psychoanalysis, Race and Sexuality
ENGL 342
18th Century Literature
ENGL 350
Independent Study
ENGL 354
Cliffhangers and Tears: Studies in Film Melodrama
ENGL 355
ENGL 370
ENGL 380
ENGL 390
Seminar in Literary Scholarship
ENGL 398
Feminist Media Studies