Course Catalog

Program in Asian Studies


Alister Inglis, Program Director, Professor of Modern Languages and Literatures
Denise M. Horn, Associate Professor of Political Science and International Relations and Women’s and Gender Studies
Shirong Luo, Associate Professor of Philosophy
Niloufer Sohrabji, Associate Professor of Economics


The major Asian Studies (EAS) is designed to provide students with knowledge and understanding Asia, a region that has become increasingly significant in the post-Cold War era. Students acquire this knowledge by studying an East Asian language as well as courses in other disciplines that may include art history, economics, film studies, history, literature, philosophy, political science, religion, and sociology.

The major prepares students for further growth beyond college along a variety of paths, such as graduate study, careers in education, employment abroad or in business and institutions specializing in Asia, and service within and to the Asian American community.

A minor in Asian studies allows students to enhance their major academic program with an understanding of the history, politics, and culture of Asia. A minor may consist of, but does not require, language courses.

Learning Outcomes:

At the successful completion of the major in  Asian Studies, students will:

  • Form a deeper understanding of the history, politics, and culture of East and Southeast Asia
  • Gain experience in East and Southeast Asia through language training and Study Abroad experiences
  • Understand the impact of global politics in the region

Departmental Honors:

Honors in Asian Studies requires a minimum GPA of 3.67 for AS courses in addition to a grade of A or A- for the senior term-paper; i.e., the paper produced as part of the course work for either EAS 390 or EAS 350.

The number of credits transferred from study abroad or other institutions and applied to the major shall not exceed 16 (four courses).

East Asian Studies (BA) Program Requirements

Students must take five elective courses from the EAS curriculum, including at least one of either HIST 201, HIST 202, or HIST 206. No more than three courses may be taken in any one department.

EAS Curriculum (20 semester hours)

Language Courses (16 semester hours)