Course Catalog

Writing BA

The Writing major consists of 10 courses given by, or approved by, the department.

Major Requirements

Core Courses

Two core courses are required for the Writing major:

ENGL 199Approaches to Literature


ENGL 210Creative Writing; Theory and Practice


Required Courses

Four of the following writing courses are necessary.  Preferably, two of the four will be taken at the 200 or 300 level:

ENGL 105Creative Writing: Non-Fiction


ENGL 107Creative Writing: Fiction


ENGL 109Creative Writing: Poetry


ENGL 205Creative Writing: Memoir


ENGL 207Fiction Workshop


ENGL 310Advanced Creative Writing Workshop


ENGL 350Independent Study


Context Courses

Two Context courses that cross borders of time or space are required for the Writing major:

  • One course that emphasizes Geographical and Cultural Contexts
  • One course that emphasizes Historical Contexts

The remaining two courses are taken as electives.

ENGL 199 is an introduction to the Literature and Writing majors and is open to all students thinking about majoring in Literature or Writing. All potential majors are urged to take it no later than the beginning of their sophomore year. While ENGL 199 and 210 constitute a sequence in the Writing major and must be taken in that order, this sequence does not necessarily have to be completed in consecutive semesters.

ENGL 199 is the prerequisite to all 300-level classes offered by this department. Some 300-level classes may have additional prerequisites.

Context courses designated as fulfilling either the Historical Contexts (HC) requirement or the Geographical and Cultural Contexts (GCC) requirement in one semester may not fulfill the same requirement in another semester. Students should note the designation of their courses (GCC or HC) before registering.