Course Catalog

Children’s Literature (MA) / Library and Information Science (MS)


Please see Children’s Literature and School of Library Science programs in this Catalog for faculty lists.



The Master of Arts in Children’s Literature and the Master of Science in Library and Information Science dual degree program integrates theory and practice. Students work with an advisor from each program to tailor their studies with an eye toward professional goals. The program examines literary history and considers children’s literature collection development. Students will consider far-ranging critical frameworks and assess young adult texts to bring to readers. M.A./M.S. students contextualize their own research in contemporary nonfiction for young people as nonfiction intersects with an educational common core to create tomorrow’s scientists, activists, humanists, readers, and writers.


Learning Outcomes

Please refer to the learning outcomes for the MA in Children’s Literature and the MS in Library and Information Science in this Catalog.


Requirements for entry into program

Please refer to the admission requirements for the MA in Children’s Literature and the MS in Library and Information Science in this Catalog.


Applying for Entry to the MA/MS Dual Degree Program as a Single Degree Student:

Students currently matriculated in the MA or MS degree program may apply for entry to the MA/MS (Children’s Literature and Library Science) dual degree program. To be admitted to a dual degree program, students must apply for admission to both degree programs. Those students who have been admitted to and matriculated in one- degree program must apply for admission and be admitted to the second degree program to be considered a dual degree student.

Because of the highly structured nature of this dual degree program’s curriculum, students must apply to be considered for the dual degree before they have completed 12 credit hours in a single degree program.

Applications for the dual degree program from students who have completed more than 12 credit hours of coursework in a single degree program may not be considered.
To apply for acceptance to the dual degree program, students who are currently matriculated in a single degree program must meet with the relevant dual degree Program Directors to discuss their entry into the dual degree program and then complete the relevant application form for the program for which they are requesting entry. The application fee will be waived for these students. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis by the Admissions staff and the degree program directors

Degree requirements

Fifty-eight to sixty credits (depending on electives chosen) are required for the degrees.

Graduate students in the MAMS dual degree program typically carry between 10-12 credits in the fall, spring, and summer semesters after their first semester. Students considering registering for more than 12 credits per term must consult with the graduate program director.
Unless otherwise noted, all Library/Information Science courses are three credits and all Children’s Literature courses are four credits.

The program consists of: seven courses in Library and Information Science (21 credit hours) in the following categories


Program Requirements

Three core courses in Library and Information Science (totaling 9 credits):

LIS 415Information Organization


LIS 407Information Sources & Services


LIS 488Technology for Information Professionals


Two core courses describing children’s library collections (6 credits)

LIS 481Library Collections & Materials for Children


LIS 483Library Collections and Materials for Young Adults


One of the following courses related to programs and services (totaling 3 credits):

LIS 412Library Programs & Services for Young Adults


LIS 482Library Programs and Service for Children


One of the following courses related to professional practices (totaling 3 credits):

LIS 422Literacy & Services to Underserved Populations: Issues & Responses


LIS 423Storytelling


LIS 450Public Libraries


Six courses, including four core courses, in Children’s Literature (16 credits)

CHL 401Criticism of Literature for Children


CHL 403The Picturebook


CHL 413Contemporary Realistic Fiction


CHL 414Fantasy and Science Fiction


Four credits in the history of children’s literature, selected from courses with a chronological focus


General Electives


Dual Degree Program Capstone Course (4 credits):

CHL 437Special Topics in Children's Literature



LIS 405Special Topics in Children's Literature And Library Science


MA/MS Dual Degree Program Electives

Elective courses from either CHL or LIS totaling 9 – 11 credits

Licensure, certification, etc.

Simmons University’s School of Library and Information Science is accredited by the American Library Association Committee on Accreditation.