GSM 570 Creativity Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Where do great ideas come from? and how can we evaluate and transform our creative ideas into workable plans, projects and organizations? In this course, we will investigate, interactively and experimentally, 3 dynamic concepts of great value in the world of work today-creativity,innovation and entrepreneurship. We will begin by exploring creativity including the tools and practices that open the mind and heart to experimentation. We then consider creativity in the context of innovation-the route whereby ideas become opportunities as they are defined as new products and processes of value to people and society. Finally, with entrepreneurship, we consider the personal values and mindset of the pioneers (yes, you!!) who create organizations and organizational change to bring these new products and processes to life, from small routines to world changing schemes. This course is ideal for those that embrace or are intrigued by the label 'change maker' thinking that they will launch a venture or bring change to existing organizations or sometime in their careers; in fact anyone who understands that practical creativity is a necessary art for the successful MBA in today's world.



Cross Listed Courses

MSMG 440