GSM 412 Business,Gov, Global Economy

This course explores macroeconomics, money and banking, and international trade and finance in applied settings, including countries and businesses. The course begins by reviewing monetary and fiscal policy and their impact on economic performance and continues with coverage of basic international economic concepts. The concepts discussed include: GDP components, their real world referents and their relationship to key macroeconomic variables; the theory of comparative advantage from trade; balance of payments categories, their real world referents and their relationship to key macroeconomic variables; and exchange rates and their determinants in the arenas of international trade and international finance. The second part of the course examines how business leaders might use basic international economic concepts, and familiarity with foreign countries and regions, to help their decision making. In the final section of the course, students consolidate their grasp of international and macroeconomic analysis by developing a regional growth forecast and examining its impact on a particular corporation.




Required Take GSM 411;