Course Catalog

BUS 214 International Business

Did you know that over 60% of Apple's revenue is generated overseas? Citibank operates in 160 countries? The global medical tourism market is expected to reach $180 billion by 2026? And Mexico is the biggest consumer per capita of Coca-Cola products? Wherever you're headed, whatever career you choose, an understanding of the international dimensions of business is critical in our globalized world. This course takes an applied, on-the-ground approach to how business operates around the world - and what you need to know in order to become an effective, principled business leader. This is a multidisciplinary pursuit, including an introduction to international finance (what's behind those trade wars with China?) and drawing on the large and diverse fields of international political economy, finance, macroeconomics, and business management. Relying heavily on case studies, in-class exercises, and real-life examples from all around the world, we will learn how to assess the progress of countries based on social progress, economic progress, and happiness. We will examine the issues of sustainability and business-government relations; economic development and diverse populations from Africa to India to China; corruption and money laundering; and much more -- thus preparing us for the challenges and opportunities of operating in our global economy. This course has no prerequisites.
