EST104 Engineering Essentials and Design

A first course for students in Engineering Science or Technology covering the essential topics needed for success in engineering. Participants will be involved in hands-on activities (design, experiments and projects) focused on current topics including sustainable engineering. Essential topics in technical computing such as Excel¿, MATLAB¿ and MATLAB¿ toolboxes will be used to design solutions to technical problems. Throughout the course, teamwork, ethics, and the ability to communicate technical information effectively by clear and concise oral presentations and written descriptions will be emphasized.

Credit Hours



Basic Reading proficiency and Basic Writing proficiency or RWR090 Reading Writing and Reasoning Minimum Grade of: C


MAT022 Basic Algebra II or MAT115 Applied Mathematics or MAT120 or higher


  • Free Elective

  • Science Technology Intensive

  • Technical Elective

  • Technology Elective