CS4670 Quantum Computing

Same as PH4670. This interdisciplinary survey course explores the evolution and direction of quantum computing technology. Topics include quantum circuits, quantum algorithms (including factoring and search), and quantum key distribution. Prerequisites: familiarity with basic notions of computing, quantum theory, and linear algebra, consistent with the material covered in any of CS3000PH2652MA3042 or PH3991.


Familiarity with basic notions of computing, quantum theory, and linear algebra, consistent with the material covered in CS3000, PH2652, MA3042 or PH3991.

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours


Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successfully completing the course, the student will be able to:

  • Think critically about the tradeoffs of this evolving technology.
  • Understand the foundational physics of quantum computing.
  • Understand how quantum circuits work.
  • Compare different quantum algorithms.
  • Apply the concept of quantum parallelism.
  • Operate a quantum computer simulator.
  • Compare different physical implementations of quantum computers.
  • Understand how quantum error correcting codes work.
  • Understand why quantum error correction is necessary.
  • Apply the concept of quantum computer architecture.
  • Contrast quantum computing and quantum key distribution.
  • Contrast teleportation and quantum key distribution.