Grading System

A An honor mark assigned for work of highest quality.
A= 90 - 100
4 pts/credit hour
B A mark assigned for work of above average quality.
B = 80 - 89
3 pts/credit hour
C A mark assigned for work of average quality
C = 70 - 79
2 pts/credit hour
D A mark assigned for work of minimum quality.
D = 60 - 69
1 pt/credit hour
F A mark assigned for work below minimum quality.
F= Less than 60
0 pts/credit hour
I A special mark used only for students who cannot complete course work because of extreme hardship. The student must present a request for this mark to the respective faculty. Not computed
P A mark assigned to indicate completion of a development course requirement. Not computed
PR Indicates that a student passed a proficiency examination to meet the requirements of the course or has received credit through Advanced Placement. Not computed
R Indicates a student must retake a developmental course. Not computed
W A mark assigned for students dropping a course during the first 75% of the term. Not computed
WA No Show—Indicates that the student did not attend. Not computed
WF Indicates that the student’s work is not passing at the time of administrative withdrawal. 0 pts/credit hour
WP Indicates that the student’s work is passing at the time of administrative withdrawal. Not Computed
WR Indicates that the student’s work is not passing in a developmental course at the time of administrative withdrawal. Not Computed
Y Audit. Not computed

The Curriculum student’s work is evaluated according to the letter-grade system. Course grades are issued at the end of each term and are recorded on the student’s transcript. Grades for courses at 100-level and above will be averaged according to grade point equivalents to determine the student’s academic standing. Grades for courses below 100-level will be accompanied with an asterisk (*) and the grades will not be calculated in the determination of the student’s overall grade point average for student transcript purposes. 

Faculty are required to report the grades earned by students for each course prior to the deadline set by the Office of Records and Registration. This deadline typically is one to two days after the last day of the semester.

When a course is repeated, the last grade recorded is the final grade for the course, and only the last hours attempted are counted in computing total credit hours and in determining the student’s grade point average.

An “I” grade indicates that a student has completed passing work in a course, but because of extenuating circumstances, the student was unable to complete some portion of the required work. Unless the incomplete is removed before the end of the succeeding term or by the time set by the faculty member, which may not exceed the end date of the next term, the “I” will automatically be changed to an “F”. This removal period can only be extended by the Vice President of Instruction.

In the absence of the faculty, the Program Coordinator will set the criteria for the removal of an “I” grade.

A student who wishes to dispute an academic decision (including a final grade) must do so within five (5) business days after official receipt of the grade.