2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog

Tuition and Fees

Tuition, fees and expenses are established by the Board of Trustees and are subject to change by the Board. Tuition rates are published several times during the year on the Kean University Student Accounting Website http://www.kean.edu/offices/student-accounting/tuition-and-fees and on KeanWISE.

Students should log into the Student Account Suite via KeanWISE to get updated billing as well as other related information regarding their student account.

Tuition and Fee Rates for the 2020-2021 Academic Year


Undergraduate Tuition Rates per Semester

Full-time undergraduate (12 - 19 credits): Flat-rate per semester
Resident Status Tuition Mandatory Fees Total
New Jersey Residents $5,222.50 $1,075.00 $6,297.50
Non-New Jersey Residents $8,810.50 $1,075.00 $9,885.50

Part-time undergraduate (less than 12 credits): Per-credit rate
Resident Status Tuition Mandatory Fees Total
New Jersey Residents $405.90 $74.35 $480.25
Non-New Jersey Residents $629.90 $74.35 $704.25
* Students enrolled in Summer Session I or II are assessed the per-credit rate for all courses taken.


Full-time Overload (more than 19 credits)
Resident Status Per-credit Rate
New Jersey Residents $405.90
Non-New Jersey Residents $629.90

Additional Information

Non-degree, non-matriculated and certification students are charged the per-credit rate for each credit registered according to the level (graduate or undergraduate) of each course.

All non-immigrant alien visa holders (this includes F’s, J’s and H’s) regardless of New Jersey residency are charged out-of-state tuition and fees. For more information, please visit the Kean International Student web-page.

Psychology and Psychiatric Rehabilitation Dual Major Program with Rutgers University - BS Degree

All Psychiatric Rehabilitation courses are taught by Rutgers faculty, are offered off site at the Rutgers Scotch Plains campus and therefore charged according to the Rutgers University School of Health Professions Undergraduate tuition and fee schedule.

Any Kean University courses taken during the same semester will be charged according to the Kean University Undergraduate fee schedule above.

Kean University Online Undergraduate
Rate Description Tuition Mandatory Fees Total
Full-time Flat-rate (12 - 19 credits) $5,222.50 $1,075.00 $6,297.50
Part-time Per-credit (less than 12 credits) $405.90 $74.35 $480.25


Mandatory University Fees per Semester
Fee Description Per-credit Rate UNDERGRADUATE
Capital Improvement Fee $68.50 $1,000.00
University Center Fee $5.85 $75.00
Total $74.35 $1,075.00

Mandatory University Fee Descriptions


Capital Improvement Fee: The capital service improvement fee is used for debt, and to fund renovation and construction projects costing $500,000 or more those are not funded by bonds. 

University Center Fee: The University Center is a self-supporting auxiliary operation. The University Center fee provides funding for various student programs: University Center Computer Lab software, supplies and equipment; University Center Game Room software, supplies and equipment; University Center building maintenance and upgrades; and salaries for student and professional staffing.