2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog


B.S. Accounting

Dr. David Yamoah, Coordinator of Accounting
Contact Phone Number: (908) 737-3932
Email: dyamoah@kean.edu

Accounting or accountancy is the study of how an organization records financial transactions and analyzes and communicates the results of such transactions. Utilizing standard accounting financial statements, accountants analyze operating results and discuss ways users can utilize this information. Accountants are employed in private business, non-profit, and governmental settings. The four year degree prepares students for entry level positions. Students preparing for the Uniform CPA exam are encouraged to complete the MS in Accounting degree


Declaration Requirements:             

  1. G.P.A. of 2.75 or higher
  2. Grade of B or better in both Principles of Accounting I and II (ACCT 2200 and ACCT 2210, respectively)
  3. Complete the GE Foundation requirements with a “C” or better in ENG 1020, COMM 1402, MATH 1044, GE 2021
  4. Complete all of the following with a “C” or better:


For information regarding College/program mission and student learning outcomes please see http://www.kean.edu/academics/college-business-public-management